
Why the animus against Ethan then? There’s no vendetta here. Just criticism. 

The entire cross examination by the defense, with the attorney reading out Depp’s various texts, should have been damning to some extent. Instead, Depp fans cut Depp’s sassy reactions together and spread it around the net as ‘Johnny Depp makes fun of stupid attorney’ and things like that. 

The extent of sheer vitriol thrown at Amber Heard automatically makes me side with her, as far as ‘my life is ruined’ stuff goes. So many netizens hate her, it’s utterly disturbing. 

Since when has a bad script kept him from doing a movie before? 

What a strange thing to be proud of. 

It deserves it. 

All the drama created by CDPR's arrogance and incompetence. They're not victims here. 

Kotaku be Kotaku, but CDPR is at no fault of course.

Why is the height of Japanese men an ‘inconvenient’ truth?

I’m confused about all the entrapment arguments, from the police angle. Don’t police/federal agents regularly entrap terrorism suspects by coaxing and encouraging them to formulate plans and try to execute them, so they can then arrest them for terrorism? Whereas before their direct involvement, the suspect at worst

This resonated with me. XD I honestly think it’s important to distinguish all the -philias, but asshats like that poster completely destroy the basis for any good-faith argument. 

...People like you are the reason why the use of the word ‘pedophilia’ has overrun its definitional boundaries. What a ridiculous claim. 

I wish more people realized this. 

Yes. That's how language works. 

Dunno where you’re getting that vibe from. I’m annoyed by the article’s tone, and given my encounters with Souls fans, I’m apprehensive about the shitstorm to come.

The comments section of an article praising the latest FromSoft game rather uncritically seems like the exact place to air out one's dissatisfaction with the genre, or for me, its cadre of hard-core fans. 

Your response would've been perfect without that tired jab at the end. 

Maybe the game can come out before we start worshipping it as the messiah of open world games.

Shit like this is why I am against IP rights belonging to corporate entities. 

Bruva Alfabusa’s explanatory video on this was heart breaking. TTS was more creative and emotionally resonant than half of GW’s content, and now it’s dead.