
In my language, there's a name that sounds almost exactly the same as the n-word. So...yeah. 

I’m not convinced about their arguments, and feel there are other ways to mitigate the problems the apparent assignation of sex at birth create down the line.

That’s a hot take?

I'm baffled how the same people arguing that Luke grew to be a different man than the one we saw are also arguing that him then repeating the exact patterns of mistakes is somehow equally valid. 

Yes, and after, I would hope that you didn't run away to a remote island and forsake your family, leaving your child to grow up bitter and confused. 

Even if I disagree, I can appreciate this perspective. Johnson had other ways he could have justified Luke's absence. He chose this one. 

That’s a great analysis, but one constructed from looking deep into the movie; it’s not naturally supported by anything that happens any more than the other takes. 

Why does Luke have to imitate his two mentors down to the point of exile? If his embrace of pacifism at the end of RotJ shows him choosing a fresh new path, it makes little sense that he reacts like a child in running away after making a grave mistake, as if none of that character development you cite never happened.

The overreaction IS the mischaracterization. Or rather, poor characterization. 

There are more than the two strawmen you set up. 

Thank you for being one of the few people here grasping the problem. It was subversion for subversion's sake and had no actual meat behind it. 

You're just pointing out that his character backslid, and not believably. 

That’s exactly why he would have NOT done it!

Uh, no. 

Thank you! This. 

Star Wars morality is contradictory and often makes no sense.

I strongly, strongly disagree. There is absolutely no reason that a Pacifist Luke couldn’t co-exist with a Pro-active Luke.

Shhh, let people feel superior to others for a bit. 

There's a lot of 'whoosh' going on in this comment. 

The extent to which perpetual growth, whether for private businesses or national economies, has been normalized as the only possible reality one can support is truly insane. In its own way, it's a religion, in that it demands absolute faith in its dogma, other considerations be damned.