Wouldn't it just be simpler not to talk to us, if we're making you so mad?
Wouldn't it just be simpler not to talk to us, if we're making you so mad?
You said much of this better than I did.
I haven't said anything about openness re: casual sex. Not a problem, as far as I am concerned.
I seem to be able to have a perfectly civil conversation with others in this thread. It's too bad that this doesn't seem possible with you, who seem to be absolutely determined to take offense.
I'm not conservative at all, but rather quite liberal.
I really wanted to like both Metro games, but the super-linear, often on-the-rails gameplay really put me off. If you want post-Apocalyptic, your much better off with the Fallout and STALKER franchises.
Sorry, not Canadian. I live in the Lower Midwest, but was born and raised in the suburbs of New York City.
I believe that smart phones and texting pre-empt a lot of unplanned meetings and new relationships that happen, when one engages others in a more spontaneous way.
That you would interpret anything I've said as "putting my nose in the air" speaks to your insecurity, rather than anything I've said. My comments have been, for the most part, quite mild.
I would gently suggest that yes, having taught thousands of students over twenty years, gives me some perspective on the evolution in youth socializing that you, perhaps lack.
What happened is absurd, from any rational perspective. Unfortunately, it's what one asks for, when engaging in identity politics.
Having taught at the university level, now, for twenty years, at several large institutions, and seeing literally thousands upon thousands of students over that time, I have significant experience. Sorry you don't like it, but there it is.
Well, I teach at a large, public university in the lower Midwest—as far from Harvard as you can get—and I can tell you that the impression is certainly more true than it is false, the author's infantile snark aside.
You are very confused about the highly limited authority of police, in liberal democracies, like the US. In truth, the cop deserved a hell of a lot more than a kick in the shin for his behavior.
Wow, you really just don't understand the nature of the country, in which you live, do you?
I am, frankly, partial to a prequel. I'd like to see the period around the war with the Turians.
I don't know that anyone has taken personal offense. It's just that most of us find your intuitions on this to be very odd.
In an enormous universe, with millions of planets and solar systems? Really?
Science Fiction is an incredibly successful genre. Indeed, it's one of the only types of literature which still make real money. I think you're instincts here are pretty far off.
Why should we only see three stories set in a universe as vast as Mass Effect?