
I can’t even count the number of people who, when interviewed after one of these horrible shootings, say things like”Yes he often talked about killing everyone, but I never took it seriously.”
Know what? Normal people don’t say that shit. Take it seriously. These people are never “kidding” or “just blowing off steam”.

Sadly, it might not have made a difference if his ex had spoken out about his rants. The Nashville bomber’s girlfriend went to police and filed a report a year before he did the deed literally saying that he was building bombs in his RV. Nashville police weren’t sufficiently motivated to pay him a visit or even have

I’ve told this story before on here, but it’s worth repeating. One of my mother’s friends had an abusive and unstable boyfriend, and he ended up in a psych ward for a few months. When he got out, his dad picked him up and drove him home. On the way, he said he was gonna kill his brother and his ex-gf. The dad didn’t

SO MANY of these shooters have two things in common: a history of domestic violence (check), and a history of racist behavior (check).

Man it’s crazy how this guy said he was going to do this, and told all these people he was going to do this, and then holy shit he actually did it I can’t believe that. Well anyways better murder a bunch of Black kids playing with toy guns.

And - on the basis of nothing but gut instinct - I would guess that 90% of those guys are just walking, talking “Internet Tough Guys” or keyboard warriors, except they are IRL.

Shocked face:

I saw this article, and it inspired me to research racism caused by mental illness. So I Googled it. All I saw on the first page was mental illness caused by racism.

“Boys being boys!” and “locker room talk!” and “letting off steam!” and “just economic anxiety!” and “heat of the moment!” and

White men will boast and brag about killing people for decades with physical and tangible evidence and relatives, employers, and state and Federal law enforcement with dismiss and laugh it off like it’s a joke.


You could choose not to read it. The title didn’t mention cool cars, so you should know it was about infrastructure. 

Grow up.

Every other car blog defaults to right leaning except for EV-specific ones. Can’t you just let us have this one?

This is Jalopnik. This is what Jalopnik does.

What Elon Musk built is too small to be used for transportation. It doesn’t have an emergency escape walkway. It doesn’t have emergency exits. It doesn’t have the high speed ventilation system required for use in a fire.

You realize you are comparing Apples and peanuts here? Traditional metros are more expensive because they are actually useful: they can carry hundreds of thousands of people at the same time, sometimes millions and tens of millions. This stupid system Elon Musk built at best will carry a few thousand if they make it

It’s only 0.8 miles so far.

People keep posting the Simpson monorail clip but the one that’s really relevant here is from the stonecutters episode when Homer takes the private underground tunnel (with fine art on the walls) to go around a traffic jam.

We’re really lowering the bar if 16 passengers is supposed to be impressive. An ordinary subway car seats about 40 people, not including the straphangers. I always wonder if Musk just doesn’t get public transportation, or if he does - hates it - and envisions his Boring tubes as a way of moving the privileged few