
I just watched the sheriff’s bodycam footage. They methodically enter the building where you can hear gunshots coming from. when they get to the stairs landing at the top floor, they loudly announce themselves: “Sheriff’s office, sheriff’s office, sheriff’s office!” Then you hear the shots which are probably the

Actor and musician Donald Glover expressed a similar sentiment just last week, in which he lamented that there are so many boring, unadventurous works of media these days because people are “afraid of getting canceled.”

specifically with regard to “interstates” - these structures are considered part of the national interstate system, and they’re partly paid for with Federal money. Even the ones in Hawaii.

This is exactly how philanthropy works. I mean, sure, the donations that individuals like us make to worthy causes are fine. But high-level people who “run” high-level foundations like this, and the people who make high-level donations to them, are not really in it for the causes they claim. It’s reputation-washing. 

I suppose that when someone becomes wealthy, one finds a whole host of new friends they didn’t know they had before, and gets approached by a lot of people with causes both worthy and unworthy. It probably changes you, and makes you more paranoid about people, and more eager to jealously safeguard your wealth. At

Yes, we should call it out. The ruling classes in Latin American countries pay close attention to norms and expectations in the United States. And I wouldn’t be surprised (but don’t know for sure) if the Evangelical pastors who are so influential in Central America are tightly networked with Evangelicals in this

It seems we live in a society where horrible things like this happen all the time, and the authorities are constantly receiving reports about it, but the system only takes action when white people make viral-eligible posts on social media about it.

The United States imports more than it exports. This is a trade imbalance. Many other countries have significant net imbalances between imports and exports (surpluses if they export more, deficits if they import more). This leads to accumulations of empty containers at destination. They have to get repositioned.

I’m pretty sure this was tongue-in-cheek, but I love how well it works whether it is or isn’t

This frigging guy:

great article. the monarchy really does rest on little more than myth and inertia. these are very powerful things, of course, and the monarchy is also congenial to the right-side half of British politics. hierarchy and breeding: good for dogs, horses, and privileged people.

this was fantastic, let’s see more of these “real job” videos. also can we see more of Kristen pls

This is a great idea. But my thing is, I keep my coffee in the freezer and only put the stuff into the coffee maker at the moment that I want it. Using a timer, or an Alexa-enabled machine, would require me to put coffee into the machine the night before. I imagine that my way gets me coffee with maximum freshness.

This is what a man does when his colleague’s body parts have been on his mind something fierce, and he is just desperate to air his thoughts about them. So he attributes them to someone else: “it’s not me, it’s this guy whose words I am repeating in public”; and he sandwiches it with references that he thought made it

Great article.

I remember the 90s, in suburban Southern California. This book and the movie were both juggernauts in their day.

Hero <3

This is confusingly worded:

That Adler Pelzer Group logo looks oddly familiar. I could swear I’d seen it before... like in a movie or something...

outstanding work, thank you, I’m looking forward to reading this book.