
He did.

He didn’t win because Bush was “selected”. Gore in the end, won the popular vote. But he lost the court vote. :(

you mean the chicken dance???

I did the same, in part because I live in Massachusetts and felt safe voting for the Greens (actually the Green-Rainbow coalition).

Are you sure the colon lockdown isn’t because this isn’t enough food? This doesn’t seem to be enough to eat for a week.

AHS’s problem is that each season is twice as long as it needs to be.

I wish more people were bananas!

Screw the flat belly! Go you! Losing 76 pounds in 15 months is no small feat!! Congratulations and keep up the good work!

After losing 76 pounds in 15 months with more to go, I’m afraid having a flat stomach isn’t going to happen for me without surgery. It might be flatter, but I’m sure there will still be too much loose skin. :(

Also, by suing them he is attracting attention to the shitty reviews of his business. Now I know to avoid him

Word of mouth is word of mouth whether it’s in person or on Yelp. If your reaction is to threaten a lawsuit rather than asking your satisfied customers (if there are any) to write uncompensated positive reviews then maybe you actually do suck as a dental practice.

And now I have epilepsy.

Rio is in the same hemisphere so the water drains the same as in Australia.

The Australians are simply used to their toilet water draining the opposite way down the walls.

I have a feeling NBC is not going to report on the problems very much. They want shiny, happy, uplifting stories.

If we're lucky these Olympics will kill the IOC. Not that it won't be replaced with something equally corrupt, but still... there are dozens of locations that can host the Olympics right now, and they are ignored because either a country wants the prestige of the games to overshadow their lousy human rights records or

I know what you mean. These damned allergies.

I am sorry to anyone who may have felt victimized by this post

I also want to say that I also wear a lot of these styles and I believe this entire post to be a violent subtweet

joanna can we do this privately