
In the immortal words of Steve Martin’s Wild and Crazy Guy - “I remember my first beer.”

No, they just do it to themselves in justified political protest of the rape and usurpation of their country and culture. They don’t do it “cos’ bitch had it coming” or some such shit.


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These people really really needed to listen to This American Life. There is no Second Chance.

Thank you, voice of reason.

What you need to get right is the concept of nexus. The East India Tea Company and the Jim Crow lunch counters were directly benefiting from and complicit in the actions that they were rightly protested, attacked, and damaged for. The mall has not profited or been complict in the acts of police brutality. By trying to


The US traded mental health treatment for the prison industrial complex decades ago.

Probably should have cropped this butt. Two asses are enough for one photo.

The mall is private property, owned by a corporation which had nothing to do with the incidents being protested, so totally wrong venue. Just sayin’.

Tu abuela mexicana, mi abuela puertorriqueña, y mi futuro barbillo.

My mother is the grande dame of talking about you behind your back in front of your face. I’d love to see both of them try to hold a candle against my 78 year old, Brooklyn/Queens, prom queen of Passive-Aggressiveness mom.

You’re luckier than you know. My mother is a cunt, but has never and will never admit to even having one, despite having three children.

The shitter is the best place to take the piss out on something/someone.

Hello, social sarcasim calling. AbFab is and has always been over the top farce. The whole show is tongue in cheek deprecating humor. If Saunders or Lumley felt that way seriously for a second, it would definitely never have made it into the script, much less the movie.

the grant was used for condom distribution

I heard this was a great place to meet chicks.

Damn you! I’m in the middle of lunch. You just about made me choke to death.