The Adamses would still get my vote (if I was alive then & as a woman allowed to vote that is).
The Adamses would still get my vote (if I was alive then & as a woman allowed to vote that is).
An image I really didn’t need.
I, know. It’s so painful.
Hey, I’ve gotten a perfect, like new, tanning bed, baby grand piano, and dishwasher for free off CL. As well as a retire thoroughbred race horse. It’s really hit or miss, but when you hit, oh the endorphins of a good score!
4 five gallon buckets is enough space for tomato plants that yield at least 20 pounds. It’s not like growing wheat.
There are still a sizable chunk of Jezzies who are urbane, snarky and don’t give a shit, to take up the slack. Although, after the great Gawker Media Massacre last month, I don’t know how long we can hold out.
I honestly don’t know how I’m going to make it this time without Jon to pull me through.
Actually, first thing I thought of as soon as I woke up ths morning was bomb control. I had a killer hangover for a work day and instantly remembered I had forgotten the dangers of getting bombed mid week.
Craigslist. People give canning jars away by the ton. All you need to buy is are the new lids. I’ve got like 500 extra if you need a few.
It’s built into the economic system now so it’s not worth it making or fixing things yourself. Why bother? Just go pay a multi national corporation and save yourself the time (and quality). That’s why more than half the grown women I know can’t sew on a fucking button and think I’m some kind of alchemist because I can…
Why do man-buns garner such hatred?
Got got a bottle of SPF 100 for my red headed bf as a joke. I really couldn’t believe they even make a 100. I’m a New York Puerto Rican. I start the season out with a SPF 10, and work my way down by twos until Labor Day when I’m down to pure cocobutter.
You’re so lucky. If it was my mom who had visited she would have said “You’ve gotten SO DARK FAT this summer*.”
The spelling was off, but his hair was perfect.
Shit, I’m all over this. Anyone want to ride shot gun with me in my LX 470?
Ted, go Old Testament and 🎶 Let your mother go 🎶.
And I thought my mother was incredulous as fuck.