
On top of losing my virtual community, and why I come here every break I have in the day, almost every site that was killed I WAS UNGREY IN! FUCK YOU, JOHN COOK.

If anything, our comments have been that we need LESS pop culture.

Kitchenette is axed too! Seriously, I’M CRYING OVER ALL THIS!


I prefer to get my sun damage the old fashion way - earning it on the beach.

Hey, don’t knock alcohol and xanax!

Don’t worry. I’m so de déclassé I brag about what I get off curb alerts on Craigslist.

This actually looks really comfy. I’d wear it around my house.


She did have expired toothpaste, so she’s obviously maximum security material.

They’re just going to keep fucking and fucking with this woman until they get her to kill herself.

Why are you dating my boyfriend?

Like anyone that’s moved to Brooklyn (other than to East New York) in the last 10 years has any credibility anyway.

The background makes Lucy look like she’s on the People’s Court or Judge Judy, which is hysterical in itself.

That was funny.

They better not be putting ANY much less two live animals into any of those cages. Or any other cages for that matter. If they do, I personally will come with a hella lot of friends and liberate them. And then get all devil incarnate over the batshit-crazier-holier-than thou asses who did who did it!

You stole that right out of the Sarah Palin playbook!

“These veteran politicians looked for the place I was most vulnerable,” someone else ghostwrites,

Andrea Martin is one of the best things in a lot of things. She’s never gotten the credit she has earned/deserves.