
It's short for "the 5 freeway" ... it's SoCal thing, major point of contention with the rest of the country, apparently.

I laughed until I cried, thank you!

This is a thing? How is this a thing?

I also attended UCSC as an undergrad. I received a fantastic education, loved the campus, loved the town, and went on to a top PhD program in my field in NYC. My younger sister also went to UCSC, and is now in a top PhD program in HER field (she does hard sciences, I'm a humanities lady). I loved it all so much,

Where in Spain are you? I know if a couple of theaters in Madrid that specialize in showing foreign films with subtitles instead of the usual dubbing...

" trusty chucks never judge me."

hearted. thank you!

That conjugation would be correct if Mitt Romney were the only subject, disregarding "any other Republican".

thank you for this.

I just emailed this post to my sister, who is a UW grad student, and asked her if the university sent out an email to the campus community. She was blown away by the disparity between the university report and this news report. Thankfully she doesn't live in the U-district, and tries not to spend too much time there

My dog barks at anything and everything that comes to the door, opens the gate, walks/drives past the house on the road, and though a little part of me shrivels up and dies of shame every time he barks at my sweet neighbors taking their baby out for a walk with the stroller, I'm so so thankful that Roscoe's there to

It also means Liberty in Basque! It's a beautiful name.

Was UC Santa Cruz one of those two schools? I vaguely remember a really scary series of attacks on professors' homes downtown at that time.

I like to alternate between the two, I love the way they smell! I totally recommend leaving them in for longer than 20 minutes as well, and usually end up doing just what you do without the bath — put it in, cover with shower cap, netflix and treats, and a fancy face mask. I lol'd when I read that you get

Yes! Lush has two hair "moisturizer" products that I use between hair cuts to keep my hair from turning into hay:

Don't get too frustrated, I don't think it's you! I find the solid conditioner pretty difficult to work with, and minimally condition-y at best. The best advice I can give is to focus on running the bar over your hair starting halfway down the length and through to the tips. Don't even bother to condition near the

I've never tried their liquid soaps/shampoos, but I imagine that these products are the ones that will inevitably run out fastest. Their moisturizers, solid shampoos, and solid facial cleansers last FOREVER though (these are the products I use the most). My boyfriend and I have been using the same solid shampoo bar

I got my first sex talk from my dad after watching a segment on artificially inseminating zoo pandas on the evening news and asking the very same question! Dad gave me a very detailed, very long answer, drawn out diagrams and all. I was 9 or 10 ... I would have been very happy with the response your nephew received!

A friend of mine did that — bride and bridesmaid bouquets, banquet, reception, etc.etc.etc. — all from Coscto. Turned out great!

As the term Hispanic is widely held to have been invented by the US Census Bureau during the Nixon Administration, I really don't think anyone outside of the US would refer to themselves as Hispanic at all. Most Latin Americans I know refer to themselves either as L.A.'s or Latinos. Brazilians would consider