Yup. Gypped (and gipped) are well known to be racist terms derived from “gypsy,” which is indeed a slur against the Roma. Please be better. Signed, someone of Romani descent.
Yup. Gypped (and gipped) are well known to be racist terms derived from “gypsy,” which is indeed a slur against the Roma. Please be better. Signed, someone of Romani descent.
Seconding this!
So, uh.... “Gipped” looks to me like a misspelling of “Gypped” which is sort of totally fucking racist. How ‘bout we edit that to “cheated” and leave racist terms out of it?
I can’t be the only one who read “Rhode Island’s youngest state senator” in the headline, glanced down to see a video freeze-frame of Paul DiMaio, and wondered “that’s Rhode Island’s youngest senator?”
Bearing witness is an important part of helping people cope with trauma. Telling their stories and feeling heard may actually help their recovery, long term.
That same guy goes on reddit years later with a post complaining about how everyone targeted him in the women’s studies class and gets 1000 likes.
Joe Scarborough. That Guy in every women’s studies class who has to interrupt and say some version of, “If more women used birth control, the abortion rate would go down!” over and over again.
That woman’s not going to marry him. She’s already got the chin down gazing into the distance WTF look on her face I didn’t develop till Year 3. She still has time to get out.
*Googles power washing vids*
The original messages seem less horrifying if you hear the horn section and imagine Chevy Chase mugging to the camera. Wait no, they’re even more horrifying now.
They sound like lyrics to a really fucked up version of “You Can Call Me Al.”
A non-tattoo-related observation - does Macauley Culkin look healthier than he has in years?
I’m enough of a geek to want to figure out what she really gets to take home from that $20,000 a night, if she has to pay two other performers and her agent and manager out of it. So she gets $20,000, then her manager and her agent each get 10% ($4,000). And she gives her friend a third, and that’s ... let’s say…
These emails include the mayor of Anaheim, the city council, and the Public Safety committee as well as the LAPD (the shooter’s employer). Copy, paste, and tell them to arrest that unstable violent criminal NOW.
I take my coffee like I take my women. Ground up, Peruvian, and in the freez—
To be fair, I’m currently engaged in what one might call “panic dating” to keep myself from sinking too deeply into the sad. So I might not be all that tough after all.
At my age and stage of life, your ex is usually the person you have children with. It tends to change all the calculations. I’m not sure I’d call my ex-husband a “friend,” but I think it’s a good thing that we get along well enough to have dinner together with the kids sometimes without anyone getting mad.
Whenever I’ve tried to be friends with someone after a breakup or rejection, it’s been painful. It physically hurts. When I’ve been on the other side, it’s awkward and I haven’t actually wanted to stay friends.
I think the “both being over each other” thing is the key. If you’re really there, it can happen. My ex (and we’re talking ex-husband here, not ex-boyfriend) called me a few days ago with some really bizarre physical symptoms and asked what he should do, and once I got the “stop being an Idiot Man and go to Urgent…