
I was just saying this to my boyfriend after reading the article. You have to really hate someone to walk into their place of work and kill 8 people. That's some real, deep-rooted misogyny. How often do we hear of these cases and the shooter is a woman?

Oh man, I hope you can get some medical attention soon! In the mean time, drink as much liquids as possible to flush the bacteria out of your urinary tract, make sure you aren't consuming any sugar (makes the infection grow), and find some pure, undiluted cranberry juice concentrate. Slam back a full glass (it's

The Huffington Post had a post early last week talking about that study! Thanks for linking to the original.

I first noticed everybody calling everything awkward when finishing up college in '04-'05 — it was right around the same time that zombies and pirates became all the rage. A question about the 'awkward humor' in film: isn't this the same humor that we used to call 'self-deprecating' in the 90's? That wince and cringe

I'm ashamed to admit to knowing this, but she's in the process of getting that tattoo removed.

I remember getting a real thrill out of those shots! The whole family just looked so goofy and normal.

The shadow of the mic and mic stand?

Everything about that video just gave me diarrhea.

Where do you find yoru cacao butter — is there a particular brand you like? Do you get it from a natural foods store, etc? I have keratosis pilaris as well, and haven't been doing anything to calm it down since giving up on AmLactin (what my dermatologist prescribed).

hearted. this is exactly what i needed today, and i'll be blasting some BR on the drive home!

My name would be Twinkles Summitrose. More vaudeville than porn?

Whatever happened to Take Back the Night(s)? Do college campuses and community organizations still put these on? I feel old.

I love this! Thank you for giving me my first laugh of the morning!

This is the first I've heard of it; my brain just exploded. I WILL be repeating POOP, THERE IT IS for days and days.

Due to my own wine consumption, it took me all of last night and this morning to figure out how to pronounce her name. PROBLEMS!


Oh no, I used that with my boyfriend when he broke our couch.

I usually have to reload the page a couple of times before I can play the videos.

absolutely, some kind of crazy pharmaceutical cocktail(s).

I can only hope and wish that I age with the same grace, beauty, and pizazz with which Roseanne has. Seriously. That lady's looking happy, healthy, and gorgeous.