
Yes! Jennifer Coolidge is absolutely the best part of this show. She has such a unique vulnerability which can read as too sad from other actors. But she makes it work. I think the second best character is the mustachioed manager. I wonder if this will shake out to be more of a societal allegory or more of a mysterious

I can’t be the only one who always assumed James Franco was exactly the douchebag he played in the spidey movies, and then was vindicated/sickened to have it confirmed.

Great. Not bad enough they’re cranking out updates every few months - now you’ve got to conform to new specs.

Lmao sure kid, and the Civil War was *totally* about state’s rights.

I posted this on the review of the movie, but I am still hung up on her character getting ginormous bleeding blisters. It’s when she & the kid go back to the tower. She takes off her hiking boots and then wool socks. Those are so bloody they stick to her skin from all the raw blisters she’s sporting after hiking a

Ahh, didn't see that. Up here in Canada it's a regular ol' workday

Honestly, I think that the jury may have been horse-trading a bit where the majority will accept the not guilty on the predatory charges to get the holdouts to agree to guilty on these other charges.

No one can force her to leave, she has to do it on her own. I just hope if she does leave him she has a strong support system. 

But who IS allowed to make money off of this? It’s a question that doesn’t get asked enough.

As a non-American, I had to smile at your comment because it’s such an American way of viewing the issue. Whether from the left or the right, it always comes down to money. The article and a lot of the author’s critics make the point that she’s profiting from Mexicans’ pain, and your proposed remedy is that the

What pisses me off is fucking Walgreens. Every special price they have is “Two for xxxx.” One is their jacked-up full price. I live alone. I DON’T WANT TWO BOTTLES OF NYQUIL, I WANT ONE. Assholes.

Ok, so I’ve not really delved all the way in to this, but it’s my understanding that the author has a grandparent from Puerto Rico.

SO that’s why Park Place alluded me all those years. Bastardos.

You should expect a call from the FBI shortly.

leftover pizza? I just don’t understand the logistics here. everything else I’m on board with, but unless it’s folded with crust on both the top and bottom, how? Just how?

Because it’s fucking delicious, Mr. Grumpy!

Cinnamon rolls in a waffle maker.

No he just drives a McLaren F1, so he has to push hard as fuck to get the pedals to work

You should remove the spikes from your pedals then....

“It actually hurts to push the pedals, without the soles as cushions.