
"You just became my backup toaster."

It really doesn't matter how rich or successful you are sometimes, you can still feel so hopeless and bad that this happens. The hardest part sometimes is admitting to yourself that some of the cause could be a brain chemical imbalance that could be assisted with medicine, because it's the hope of getting better and

There's a DC meetup at the GOT bar we're going to check out on Thursday starting at around 8:45pm. So far it's just me and beema. We're also doing a more formal meetup sometime next week I'll post more info in next week's thread.

My Avocado harasser came back and impersonated me which is rough.

What a masterpiece! This is the magic pixie dust Steven Universe stole from Adventure Time with Rebecca Sugar leaving- Turning occasional plot points into useful LGBT metaphors, in this case having a father's acceptance of the changes that his child would go through with its identity in advance being the key to

DENTAL PLAN oh god this is what it's like when the commenting sections of websites break confinement and perform a hostile takeover on the world.

Juggalos are a group I have a hard time not being prejudiced against. They're a small, closed circle that participate in particular behaviors that make them seem outlandish and dangerous, some of which are illegal- like Scientologists or the FLDS, although way on the 'doesn't do regular harm' side of the spectrum.

Fuck the fact that I have a troll harassing me over on the Avocado. Fuck the fact that I can't seem to find a job to save my life and my temp agency keeps sorting me in 'manual labor' type jobs two clicks below even having a computer to use during the day. I have a fucking graduate degree, assholes.

Oh, hey Mr. D. You're welcome back on the Avocado if you want when all this Kinja apocalypse stuff goes down. Hope you're doing ok.

Eh, still a better tagline than 'see it here first before it shows up in blackface on your aunt's Facebook page'

Kind of a waste of, well, ALL the supporting character up till now : / I do hope they bring back Fiore and Deblanc I enjoyed their deadpan so. And the hotel room filling up with dead angels was such a great gag last season! But I admire the show for being so destructive with it's set pieces. That'd feel more daring if

You're not making Iron Man better you're just making Spider-Man worse.

Got me a tinder date for Wednesday! That makes up for me freaking out and deleting OKCupid I guess. Still really sad that the Kinja transition has been confirmed. I knew something lime this was inevitable, I just didn't want it to happen this year of all years. Caught up on Fargo (!) and watched Preacher and ate far,

More like less than meets the eye, right folks. Heh heh. Been holding on to that one for a while. Ah, who are we kidding it'll probably make bank in China.

Kitty! No…

We very well might have a diminished field by virtue of a beleaguered Trump threatening any serious competitors with powerful, personal retaliation or a three way split with Trump running against a 'official' Republican nominee or challenger. I could see someone like Colbert being one of the only credible candidates

To those that have, more will be given. And to those that have not, even the little they have will be taken away.

Ironically, the comment section to this article uses disqus.

I go to extraordinary lengths to be likable and worry constantly about whether I am or not, but I think the best indicator of if you are *actually* likable is if you're willing to accept people disliking you and not try to influence their decisions (which I am) or if you resent them for not liking you or whether