
It's hard enough for me to relate to folks in my area who are functional clones of myself in age or in interests. Young me loved the idea of diversity, older me still loves it, but thinks it's impossible in practice (at least for me).


Ignorance and hate are the hallmark of the age. Well, every age, really. I just miss back when we could pretend that we didn't celebrate it.

There's not that much else to tell- We were alone after my dad and step-mother were clearing dishes and he started going on about global warming and I was trying to say something about how scientists say it could turn out to not be a big deal and that's his crazy button- that global warming doesn't exist.

Jones and everyone like him at whatever level of life- my crazy alt-right Jewish uncle who attacked me over Thanksgiving because he thought I was a lizard person, the guy who took a gun into the 'pizzagate' restaurant- are malignant social cancers. You can't reason with them, you can't refute them, you can't 'examine'

Still better than Kinja.

They don't care if it's parody anymore. As long as it's angry and directed at liberals or globalists or whatever, the Right will go along and backtrack later if needed. It's all blind fucking cnidarian amoebic tentacles of hate and unreason.

Hooray! The $500 I spent on my tiny black chopping board and its accessories seems slightly less insane!

Your Honor. I'm just a simple hyperchicken from a backwood asteroid…

JESUS CHRIST who volunteers for a 10 minute facelift?!

The best post-presidency of any president I can think of, and hopefully remembered as a good man. It doesn't excuse the policy and political failures that cursed us with Reagan, but I hope it gives him some peace and I'm glad he's lived so long and done so much good and looks so so much better than what we have today.

It's hard to tell with these studies because certain eating habits have become so culturally specific it's hard to pick out the exact cause. Sitting is associate with weight gain because people statistically snack on the couch. It could just be the type of people who regularly eat fries have other social habits, or

That protester is not a Nazi. He may be a idiot, a racist, an troll, a Nazi…but he is NOT a porn star.

"'Pudding pops.' I rest my case, your honor."

That's a wrap.

2 X 2 Bone

Hey- you heard about the switch here to Kinja? Some folks were discussing it in the Bill Maher thread last night : (

Last one out please turn out the lights

I don't know how things got so bad these last couple of years that the audacity that a powerful man could possibly be convicted for sexual assault counts as utterly surprising to me.

Makes sense, since his primary role at the company seems to be fucking himself.