
It's not like they have anything better to do.

Just let the wookie robots win.

It's broken me. I can't deal with the news anymore, but that just means I only stay away until there's some big event that punctures my bubble and I have a day of nervous catchup and anxiety. I wish I could be zen about the outcomes, but then, I also wish I could hear and see it all- there's so much comedy and horror

Everything worked wonderfully- except Ashi's death. I could have accepted her dying as a result of her Aku half fading away, or as a sacrifice to force open the time portal. Or being exiled to another dimension. Or suffering horrible burns on one half of her body. But just arbitrarily fading away? It left a sour note

Welcome to America, where nothing can possib-lie go wrong. Uh, possibLY go wrong. That’s the first thing that’s… ever gone wrong.

He's also an outspoken critic of vaccinations, so, you know, I guess trying to kill hundreds of children just isn't enough anymore to sake the need for attention from that desiccated shitpile.

It can be two things.

You can get fired at Fox News for calling someone a racial slur now?! Oh my God! This is fantastic!

And here I thought it was known as the "Dwayne Johnson’s 2020 presidential campaign may have just begun on The Tonight Show" article.

Yeah, it's the 'invisible primary' that decides who can make it into the 'actual' primary. Zuckerberg is in there too, as is Oprah and Hillary. No idea if the first two even know what party they'll end up running in, but whichever party they choose, regardless of their personal policies, is the party whose agenda

A blood clot from a fall killed a 77 year old man. What killed your brain, Bill? What broke you so badly that you only express violent thoughts and speak only in domination and hate? If there's a hell, you are going there. If there's a torment you feel, I hope it gnaws at you.

What the fuck are you
Do-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-oohing?

I don't think well of her association with Wikileaks or for leaking the files but I hope that her suffering will help end solitary confinement and set a precedent for allowing prisoners to transition during confinement. I'm happy for her and I hope she feels free and safe and is able to heal. She'd make a wonderful

Looks like another time (slot) for this tool.

Nihilist Arby's has competition.

I'm pretty sure that video should just be Chewbacca's dad Itchy masturbating to porn in the Holiday Special, over and over on a loop.

In unrelated news, long form features on this site have been replaced by Supper Club.

The Chobani is cursed!
That's bad.
But it made Alex Jones apologize.
That's good!


'"Use the force, Harry" - Gandalf' was apparently a harrowing message of our imminent future.