
This sounds like the romantic comedy reboot of the Ring we were all looking for.

A chorus line of whipped cream spewing tits with jackboots stepping on the image of a human face… forever.

I like that the evidence conservatives point to for LMS being canceled for political reasons is Tim Allen's complaint that being a conservative in Hollywood is like 'living in Nazi Germany.' God, I WISH disparaging the memory of the Holocaust got one's bubble-rating show canceled in this day and age.

The downside of Hector being the villain and Nacho (and Gus) being the heroes is that they're making me more and more upset about their respective fates. I look forward to increasingly deranged attempts by Chuck to defeat his brother. A year without a law licence? This seems like the show testing itself.

I think I speak for everyone over on the AVClub After Dark (Avocado) when I say-so please don't cut us. Over there 'Avocado hand' is just a synonym for 'shitposter's wrist.'

How I Really Met Your Mother, For Reals This Time

I'm not adverse to them selling out but 'free-to-play' games are evil and should be illegal.

Who will there be for Trump to hire in a year or two? Will he burn through ever more faceless, increasingly incompetent goons until there's no one left?

I probably should have guessed Aku was the father- but Ashi's dad being literal Alien-esque black goo that seeps out of her pores to pilot her being? Holy shit that's dark. If we had more time maybe Jack would have to go back to where the other sisters died and fight manifestations of corruption that leaked out in

You had me at 'puking goo.'

Couldn't have happened to a nicer more racist show. Hopefully now Kat will be able to be in better things.


The first 40 years of video games are going to be as lost to future generations as the first 40 years of movies were to us.

Bring me a shrubbery!

Huzzah! Every time the AVClub posted about Brooklyn Nine-Nine, I was worried that I'd hear that sound that plays when Pac-Man dies!

Look, if this leads to an interracial gay couple named Finn and Poe having a destination gay wedding in Star Wars Disneyland in 26 years it'll have all been worth it.

Maaan, this is flagrant false advertising!

Hooray! My favorite guilty pleasure that briefly turned into a good show towards the end of Season 1 and had been fluctuating between quality and trashy entertainment like some sort of Pinocchio constantly turning into a real boy and then back to a puppet before finally settling in for this season's blisteringly

Oh what tangled webs we weave when Nintendo doesn't want to take our money. Just take our money, Nintendo! Please!

Go away! There ain't no monorail Fyre Festival and there never was!