
You know, American turned into a fascist dictatorship so gradually I barely noti- *breaks down weeping*

The one thing Chuck never expected was Jimmy to be emotionally honest. He's never faced Jimmy's love of him despite his hatred of Jimmy, and he's never faced the psychosomatic truth of his illness. Jimmy breaking him down was a brutal act that Chuck forced him to by threatening the livelihoods of people Jimmy loves.

Nothing ends, Adrian. Nothing ever ends.

…but a seventh grader with a flute muscled me out.

I think opening every GJI with 'Goddamn It' makes whatever follows better and I petition for this to be continued.

Soylent Green Dove bodysoap is made of people.

Riddick And Friends! is filmed before a live studio audience.

Bill just drives around in a van, solving mysteries and having wacky adventures like the last year was some sort of bad dream. Smash cut to the modern day and the Terry Gilliam Brazil ending.

Nope, clearly it's 'go american flag yourself.' To achieve this one must have the flag raised by making a tree out of one's prone butthole, Paul Ryan's secret dream and fondest fantasy. One day… one day he will make the American people angry enough at him that they will do this to him…

No, no, it's German for "the Samurai Jack, the"

I find it notable that whatever hysterics the Republicans accuse the Democrats of perpetrating (death panels, etc.) are usually the things that they wind up trying to enact.

I wish Putin's bizarre menagerie of 'celebrities' and politicians (Jill Stein, European far right-ers, etc) was better understood. Russia's laid networks of corruption and influence with their oil wealth a decade ago by blackmailing and bribing officials in European political parties that are still bearing fruit

I'm picturing a wheelchair-bound Trump being brought in to Ellen's show in 10 years to talk about how, while he may have been awful, the new President's 'heads-on-spikes' policy crosses a line.

The politics articles will continue until morale improves.

Ooh, erotic cakes.

He's deeply powerless to understand or push for policy that he wants, and ultimately, he doesn't care. He probably does like universal health care plans, and it was something that voters heard and liked him for, but he doesn't mind the GOP pushing for the exact opposite over the dead bodies of countless thousands so

I remember Domino's had this character 'The Noid' who ruined people's pizzas. He wasn't real, just some cgi thing in a costume, but he ruined people's pizzas on the TV, and lo and behold, some mentally ill man with the last name of 'Noid' took a Domino's hostage.

Ow, my balls!

"Here's to the deaths of hundreds of thousands!"
"Hey, you ever wonder if we're the bad guys?"
"No, why?"

We have free will but we don't really need to use it that much since our unconscious mind is pretty good at predicting what we want to do. What we think of as 'us' is in control much less than we think and takes up a much smaller portion of our brain than we'd like to believe.