
It's a sharp teeth display in response to feeling threatened by something. That's how smiling is supposed to work.

To paraphrase A Good Man is Hard to Find- "She would of been a good candidate," The Misfit said, "if it had been somebody there to tell her she was politically dead every minute of her life."

We may solve this thing yet

"It turns out it's man."

I'm sure denying the entirety of gay existence to the extent of no longer counting them in the 2020 survey and stripping their federal protections as a class doesn't count, though.

We're criminalizing involuntary muscle movement now?


As long a Newman meets the same end he does in Jurassic Park I'm game.

Sounds like David Hasselhoff missed a marketing opportunity.

Let's just say it moved socially influenced me… to a bigger house!

Don't give him any ideas! I don't want to start reading internet chatter about a 'mineshaft gap!'

Five. There are five Star Wars films and one Holiday Special.

I can't believe I'm having to say this, but I think that this Simpsons episode was intended to be satirical, AVClub.

Subclause 8b will redirect the eyeless closet of insatiable horror back to the Fox News breakroom, from whence it came.

If only someone had written some sort of book a long time ago warning us about the dangers of doublespeak I'm sure we wouldn't be in this position.

Here's to lazine

Spoilers! God!

Not even Johnny Depp can be bothered with Johnny Depp anymore.

How masterful is it that the show makes the awkward tension of the sitdown of a number of lawyers more tense than any number of cartel threats or covert actions? Whether or not Better Call Saul stands on its own or would even be coherent without Breaking Bad foreknowledge on the part of the writing staff, you have to

It's almost like fostering a shitty, law-breaking business culture of shame and coercion has the possibility of coming back to bite you down the road!