
Real life is apparently too dark for SVU. They've had plenty of rapists who get away with it, but never one who rises to a position of power.

Will the last one out please sing this song

What could they possibly come up with that we wouldn't prefer to our current existence? House of Cards turned into The West Wing so gradually, I didn't even notice…

The cultural-grievance white supremacy that Jackson and Trump so effortlessly embody that seeks to dominate and rule would certainly have prevented the Civil War had it been in power- by ceding the balance of power to the slave states. Renegade fascism has murdered thousands in this country before and could again, and

"How do I put this… in the Circle of Life your movie is being eaten by Hyenas… and they've got a tank?"

I would also like to announce my own venture capital investment opportunity to replace all the creme filling inside each and every Oreo with rancid whale blubber. I believe this goal is easily achievable with an initial investment of $4 million

*Sighs, buys Neill Blomkamp a one-way ticket to the Island of Misfit Directors with Josh Trank and all the others*

Under the terms of the settlement, Fyre Fest will be renamed the Fyre Fest Experience, a competitive reality show open to the public through a ticket lottery and filmed live next Summer! Proceeds will go to the 4/18 Victims Memorial Fund Second Jetski Down Payments.

This live action adaption of Gravity Falls looks intriguing.

I loved how the flashback at the beginning underlined how long it has been since Aku and Jack have faced each other. Linking Jack's loss of his sword to his rage and frustration at being repeatedly unable to save children was very well done. Ashi's fight against the army seemed like something straight out of the old

This is probably more politically effective than attending it, unfortunately. For better or worse he's an avatar of hate toward everything and anything liberal, and the feeling that his followers enjoy when he seems to inflict pain on them or stands in opposition to them is a heady drug.

They drove a dump truck full of money up to my house! I'm not made of stone!

Now can we check out what Alex Jones is keeping in his shed in the woods?

Oh nostalgia, how I missed you.

You either die a Knickerbocker beer or live long enough to see yourself become a New Coke.

Apparently he's broke, so I'm not completely sure that he hasn't died and that this entire reality isn't just some version of personal hell for him.

Pass a tax cut, declare victory and quit. You're already a world historical figure. Future anthropologists will probably think that the phrase 'to Trump' something came from your victory. Just go golf or something and leave us alone.

'Open your intake valve and commence consumption of raw sewage, Internet.'

This is just a way to trick people into signing up for a deep dive on pre-Genghis Khan Mongolian historical linguistic anthropology.