

Stop. Don't. Come back.

And I pledge I will stop eating so very many cupcakes
*Eats cupcake*

Following Uber's lead, United will now release passenger star ratings to the general public so that passengers can see when their activities put them at risk of being dragged from their seats and beaten with truncheons. Pilots will require an average of a *** rating or higher from all onboard in order to receive

They used to be dalmatians, you monsters!

Yeah, once we get up to anywhere near XXX the story practically writes itself.

They desperately need some new blood if they're going to survive. They're sitting on billions in untapped IPs and won't even make any Metroid games for some reason. They resembled Valve more than Sony. I just hope they don't have to go bankrupt like Marvel before figuring it out.

I like how political analysis in 2017 has been reduced to veterinarian primatology.

I see you are trying to rend the very fabric of the human mind asunder… . Would you like some help with that?

The civilized thing to do would have been to shit in his hands and throw it at them.

Who you gonna call?! Ghostbusters He-Man! He-Man! He-Man!

It's now part of a larger cinematic universe with the Wolf of Wall Street.

Or. And this is the other way to go- Not.

Oh did things get too real for the Vincent Adultwoman of the coked up, hypocritical, antisemitic, blindly vituperative wing of the alt-right's media brigade?

How adult we talking?

The doof warrior's back!
That's good!
… But no Imperator Furiosa.
That's bad.
It'll probably have the same style as the last one!
That's good!
But Mel Gibson may be involved somehow.
…That's bad.

Smells suspiciously like teen child star spirit.

1931: How do we get out of the Great Depression?
1941: How do we defeat the Nazis?
1950: How do we win the Cold War?
1963: How do we solve Civil Rights?
1990: How will the Internet change our lives?
2017: How do we defeat the Nazis?

"Dr. Luke to retire from producing records to spend more time perusing his true dream of harassing Kesha full time."

I like where this 'Nathan for You' reboot is going so far.