
You killed my ROUS. Prepare to die suffer financial and public depredation!

Off-grid, survivalist, meth-addled, yahoo chem-trail vapers like swarms of lizard people, right?

1. Potato Chips- Slim Gaillard
2. Dear Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts- Wolf Parade
3. Because I got High- Afroman
4. Hits from the Bong- Cypress Hill
6. Takeaway Food- Withered Hand
7. Bring Me Sunshine- Willie Nelson
8. Goodnight Potato Chip- Paolo Buonvino

Also the government shutdown. Bread and circuses!

They threatened to drive a garbage truck of prop dinosaur droppings up to my house! I'm not made of stone!

Fox news is in flames, the Democrats look set to take back the House… is modern life some sort of hellish mishmash of alternate timelines caused by a liberal and a conservative each wishing on a cursed monkey paw for their side to win?

I'm not looking forward for whatever is planned for 'I Love the Aughts.'

Oh, wow, that's uh… that's certainly an evocative color. I'm sure people have done that before to an ice cream cone, but I dunno if anyone's thought to sell it after.

Man, I've been paying for the privilege of having people shit all over me all life in my career. I don't need that for my weekend wardrobe too.

God do I look forward to a day when some service or provider comes along that lets you have your pick of all these various streaming services so that I can watch the whole damnable nest of tangled serpents hiss and wail in agony as they're burned into ashes in the aether.

Similarly, Leonard Cohen always objected to his songs being called sad, as expressing the feelings they held always made him happier. I think it's the notion of other people potentially exporting their sadness that some seem to be afraid of when they categorize things as downers or topics as being depressing. But

Have you ever *actually* been on the internet before, Internet?

"I am a shit person and I am covered in shit and I eat my own shit so technically I'm an auto-cannibal."

I'm sorry- I just can't! I read the Economist magazine every week, watch Colbert and Trevor Noah and Sam Bee and John Oliver, follow some comedians on twitter and read the AVClub and the politics thread on the Avocado. I can't do news from even a pseudo-regular source anymore. This design is the final straw- I'm

The issue wasn't that there were too many characters, the issue was that they were bad characters.

Jimmy's always most brilliant and content when his back's up against the wall but even he looks shaken tonight.

*Sighs, adds Rhonda Byrne, author of The Secret, to time-travel kill list*

The fact that these lies are so transparent hits at the credibility of all the drug warriors giving them. Plenty of people use drugs- even strong, dangerous drugs- in moderation. Some people flatly can't. And the first sip of booze or bit of coke could be dangerous. But panic isn't really getting us anywhere.

I've seen the future… and it is an Adam Sandler movie stamping on a human face - forever.

They need time for the 3d thermal vision conversion and to mass produce the glasses.