
If you said James Bond or Lord of the Rings you were wrong! They were never popular!

“The inferno of the living is not something that will be; if there is one, it is what is already here, the inferno where we live every day, that we form by being together. There are two ways to escape suffering it. The first is easy for many: accept the inferno and become such a part of it that you can no longer see

It will be a tense Reservoir Dogs-like standoff between two individuals in a Saigon cafe entitled Tête-à-Tête Tet.

"You think that they made Mr. Ed talk by putting peanut butter on his gums? No! They stuck a carrot up his butt to make him do the lines. What do you think kids wanted to be told about their favorite TV horse- that he was eating peanut butter, or that he was being molested by some sort of amateur proctologist?"

I just want to see a horror movie about all those unsold ET cartridges coming to life and seeking revenge.

Just have him sample the audiobook version of "If I did It"

It reminds me of the rightists in France trying to make hay out of how 'feminists protesting Le Pen' are being 'hypocritical.' Yes it is nice to see a talented woman succeed. No it does not outweigh all the horrible horrible everything else.

Hung out with beema! Turns out he's just a couple metro stops over. We had ramen and talked about how cool his cat is. Pretty good, all in all.

This reminds me of when Bender underwent a intentional downgrade in Obsoletely Fabulous.

Don't kid yourself AVClub commentariat, if a Panda movie ever got the chance, it'd kill you, and everyone you cared about.

Avengers 4: Thanos' Not Dead
Avengers 4: Spider Man: Clone War
Avengers 4: All of Our Big Stars Have Had Their Contract Eligibility Expire
Avengers 4: Enter Doctor Druid
Avengers 4: Technically, Avengers 5

Ooh boy I was expecting a slightly different header image for this. Quit Dik-ing around, AVClub, and show us the goods!

The fact that the old Wendy's girl was too fat and they had to bring in a new one who definitely doesn't eat there probably tells you all you need to know about these kind of mascot dealios.

This is going to end with someone opening the emergency exit door and noping out of a plane, isn't it?

Look, I'd love to correct him on this as much as the next guy, but consider his potential actions to 'get ratings' if he felt they were too low. I don't want to have to start a war because of sweeps week.

This is dangerously approaching Simpson levels of 'the family won a contest!' Honestly seems like it'd be a little funnier if it was just a random LARP in the woods with a set or if Linda was just pretending to be someone who won. Or if her adversary was someone she'd met before. Still love how easily Bob gets sucked

Look, cucks are super hot right now. You gotta go where the zeitgeist moves you.

"Assembled employees- for simplicity's sake, could any female Fox employees who have not been sexually harassed by O'Reilly and/or Ailes please raise their hands?

I mean, we know he's not gone. He could very well be Trump's next press secretary or a candidate for mayor of New York.

Whenever Jack's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Jack"?