
It should really be the 'we support the policy conclusions that the scientific method reveals, subject to peer-review' march, but that's not nearly as catchy.

I don't think wearing your Hydra cosplay to a Trump rally counts as satire anymore.

There's no fighting in here! This is the reaccommodation zone!

No, good sir you festering shitgoblin, she's on the level.

I love all the assorted random continuity- the fact that the writers and animators call back to things that have happened in order to confirm that they remain relevant for the character moving forward and could potentially pay off. From Finn's pillow body to Jake's alien parent to BMO's struggles with identity.

To paraphrase In the Loop's Malcolm Tucker:

We still have a episode left tonight before this miniseries starts! >: [

Fuck it, we'll kill them live?

Your utter contempt for the welfare of your children is trending.

"I've had it with these motherfucking Damien A's on this motherfucking train!"

I loved everything about the show. I loved the Lone Gunmen. I can't watch any more. The last season ended up with chemtrails-type speechifying and their Alex Jones being a hero- taking all its paranoia and surreal whimsy from profoundly conservative emotional realities.

If Jones is trying to make people dislike George Soros he's not going about it in a very productive way.

Just give us a designated nostalgic system for N64/Super Nintendo, etc where we can pay your accursed streaming fee to access a library of games or buy them individually. I'm tired of re-buying all these games each new system. At least allow us to download more games than are initially on the system.

The concept is fatally flawed. There's no other reason other than Stockholm Syndrome for Jennifer Lawrence to fall in love with Chris Pratt's character, who is attempting to make her love him by coercion and isolation.

And yet he'd give it all up just for the chance to sexually harass one more woman.

Kill Good Job Internet Vol. 3,864

Museum of Failure
The AVClub

Similarly, it's arguable that Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs wasn't trans, but a garden variety psycho. The fact that that movie is still held up as a way to vilify trans folks and the enduring impact of the negative effect it had on the LGBT community at the time gives it a complicated legacy.

Oh how I anticipate the day when news outlets stop covering Trump's tweets (because of their predictability/irrelevancy) either due to concrete actions being take to remove Trump from office.

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