
Spider-Man Turn Off the Sony Creative Control

It really seems like all the semi-sentient pus (your Alex Jones and the like) is running out the crusted wounds we never treated now that the body of American politic is finally dead like overly successful parasites that die with the host.

That mustache is so rusty all the cast and crew had to get tetanus shots and repeatedly moisturize when it sucked all the water vapor out of the air.

Dammit I just finished with Fargo! I CAN'T WATCH BOTH I AM BUT ONE MAN

Ya, Ray. Geez.

This episode of the Americans was intense.

Ah for the days when books were thought to be important enough to burn.

I succumbed. It tastes like glitter paper soaked with florescent​ neon snail slime and blended with cloudy ice.

What if, like, and just hear me out here, everything wasn't a conspiracy and the world was just a bunch of random dumb idiots doing the best they can want to?

Yes. I am the highly suggestible type.

No kidding! That's a $20 million a year contract Fox just renewed that they'll have to pay out in full. Still cheaper than allowing snortgrab McGee to roam the halls.

You could see it in his eyes in that photo of him and Trump at the ballpark. He knew he getting sent away to a farm upstate where he could write books and serve in the Trump administration with all the other bigots.

I think the 'an otherworldly fairy tale' bit can just be assumed for all his movies, frankly.

Zach Snyder is to DC as Uwe Boll is to video game movies.

It's 2017 and public discourse hasn't evolved past Helen Lovejoy's 'won't someone please think of the children?!' If you go to wikipedia it's an actual thing called 'Lovejoy's Law' for Pete's sake.…

Needs more 'Spirit in the Sky'

Until I'm told otherwise I refuse to believe that this wasn't a Pepsi commercial shoot gone awry.

And I look forward to waiting until the craze has died down to buy one only to find that it has been discontinued.

We Don't Know What We're Doing and We Refuse to Learn
White People

I just want to know if they blow up Trump's head or not.