
Chappelle's delivery is the best I've ever seen. The fact that his material is horribly transphobic and misogynistic makes it difficult to enjoy myself. When he's talking about literally anything else other than defending people who beat women or call for the death of LGBT people, he's hilarious. Unfortunately that's

"You millennials and your obsession with public health care. Back in my day we just died." -Amanda Coker

After cockroaches come into contact with humans they wash themselves. Maybe we shouldn't be so high and mighty. Also- they're heavily dependent on us providing them heat during the winter. One cold spell following the apocalypse and they're all gone north of wherever there's not snow.

"Is wearing native headdresses appropriation?" -My white coworker

"Oh my God the British royal family is playing Nazis!"

And he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for that meddling iCloud!

*Lights come on, ushers with brooms advance into the theater*
"Very good sir! This was just a test."
*Ushers retreat, lights go back down, sixth post-credit sequence plays*

I know the instinct to try to humanize or reckon with these monsters is strong, but I think this kind of stuff does more harm than good. I'm sure Spicer is a real guy with some human qualities. I'm also sure blowing smoke up his ass can get us all killed so maybe stop doing that, people?

It says horrible things about our country that our most effective demagogues are thoroughly mentally ill.

Is the rider in the pale horse stalking Jack just a slightly different manifestation of his alternate death-wishing self, or a different entity entirely? I'm hoping for the later- as I think it's slightly more interesting. Although I had thought that it was just an actual avatar of Death or maybe Jack as he'll look

Who could have possibly known that the 'fuсk it we'll do it live' guy was a festering sack of bile and corpses moldering under a tent of human skin?

As much as I love Mark Hamill and C-3PO and all the rest they were clearly pretty beat by Rey and Poe and Finn on a character to character basis (in terms of what the writers could do with them).

Just like the 'sith' are now the Knights of Ren, Luke has free rein to rename them whatever he wants and give them whatever new principles he desires. I think that's all this is. 'A different type of Jedi.' A couple of pissed-off force ghosts are someone else's problem.

This show is very much the wretched, derivative, joyless, soul-crushingly corporate, maddening husk that people hyperbolize the Walking Dead as.

The gall of those vituperative bastards!

The Ultimate Jedi Who Wastes All the Other Jedi and Eats Their Bones
The Mountain Goats

I would pay good money for a self-consciously dorky G-rated Saturday afternoon special that steadily devolves into nihilistic NC-17 grit over the course of a couple of seasons.

I regained respect for how Colbert is covering things when he said that Trump sucks Putin's cock on the show.

Venomous, nihilistic, fascist, anti-Semitic Nazi cockgoblin that he is, Bannon nevertheless… uh… Nope I guess that's it.

I don't get all the fuss. Sure it's cool looking and kinda neat in a tchotchke kind of way, but emulators do this far better. I like that it's a legal product and I would have bought it if you could add games to it, but I've bought these same games over and over on various virtual consoles over the years.