
Stallone has promise to waive the lawsuit, however, if the studio looks him in the eye and grudgingly says 'we got demolished'

BREAKING: Things Not Going As Planned for Rich, Pretty, Connected, White, Bratty, Young, Conservative, Blond Woman!

Do you have a cat? I smell dander.

Escape Plan!
Stallone needs mortgage payments!

But in the Latin alphabet, "Jehovah" begins with an "I"…

I truly don't understand how 87% Muslim Indonesia can feel so threatened about Islam's place in the world that there's been this level of fervor about this progressive Christian governor, but then again I don't understand how the 70% Christian United States can feel so threatened about Christianity's place in the

How you going to play center field you can't even catch a cat. Terrible technique. You come in low and slow with hands extended. Why, in my day the feral cats prowling the stadium's perimeter were the only things holding the hot dogs back from scurrying out of their buns and into the parking lot!

"Want to feel old? Breaking Bad was 413 years ago! You're reading this in a memory tube circling what was once known as the planet Mars!"

I guess he does fix the Cable.

You know, Harry Potter turned into a hardcore WWII serial so gradually, I didn't even notice…

I wonder to what degree Trump likes having Spicer, et all be weak or dependent and hanging on Trump's ever whim to try to keep their jobs. For all I know he could be pleased as punch about this development. Someone else looking bad for once.

Looks like things are getting too Spicey for the pepper!

We're going to run out of words pretty soon if the best way to accurately describe our 2017 plight is to have on post-apocalyptic fiction writers to delineate how much worse reality is that the fictions they conceived let on

Astro Boy I would understand, but Mega Man? Who's asking for Hardcore Henry in a Power Rangers suit?

The mesmerizing Mike montage of him systematically disassembling his car was amazing. That kind of practical level of skill which I guess folks used to possess more years ago than they do now, now seem like Batman level of competencies.

'Hang in there, baby!' You said it, Leon…Copyright 1982. Hmm, determined or not, that replicant must be long dead.

I feel like that when you have to clarify that your movie(s) weren't disasters, they probably were nevertheless somewhere in that ballpark.

♪ Have no fears we've got stories for years ♪

"I am shocked—shocked—to find that gambling sexual harassment is going on in here!"

This is an episode I'll save and watch again long after the series has completed. The vivid coloration and bulbous ecosystem was stunning. Jack's delusions manifesting as that little piece of white fluff added some welcome humor. I wonder what Jack would be like if his 'devil's advocate' half took over for a while.