
Oh boy I'm not looking forward to what Archer's misgendering of Pam portends for his psyche, but very happy to see the show back! I was surprised that they weren't going to be more coy about whether or not it was a dream for a while in order to brutally reinsert the idea at a later date maybe (having Archer being

I've heard defenses of this and O'Reilly along the lines of "isn't it a shame these old folks can't stop using dating practices that were valid in the 50s" and it's complete bullshit. They know they're wrong (and they've not been hermetically sealed that long- since the 80s maybe). But this was never ok.

"At Midnight" now refers to the Doomsday Clock.

Well then get your shit together. Get it all together, and put it in a backpack, all your shit, so it's together. And if you gotta take it somewhere, take it somewhere. You know? Take it to the shit store and sell it. Or put it in a shit museum, I don't care what you do, you just gotta get it together.

God the Sasha bits were unbearable torture but if by some miracle you were clairvoyant enough to fast forward through them I think the rest of the episode was pretty awesome. I knew help was 'on its way' but it genuinely took me by surprise when it showed up.

The insane- the insane plausibility that Rick is getting back at the Council for murdering his family in exactly the way his false memory alleged- is breathtaking. Watching Rick saunter through all that murder, jumping from body to body, executing untold thousands of his multiversal brethren like an asexual, cosmic

Murdering the near entirety of your expanded universe in the middle of your season 3 premier is just about the ballsiest thing this series has ever done. But I guess that's the point. With Rick's multiverse-thinking (an analogy for the writers doing whatever is conducive to the plot) there's an infinite number of

In Putin's America, election rigs you!

This has been a really shit year for Republicans Jon Stewart was friends with (O'Reilly, Judge Napolitano, McCain). So much for friendly accommodation.

Typical Trump, always making things about him.

I wonder if taxpayers refunded 90% of his campaign expenses he'd step down. A man can dream, I guess…

Still waiting to see Disney remake the Little Mermaid how Hans Christian Andersen intended.

It's difficult, because I feel like some of the criticisms (a barrage of sci-fi clichés) aren't fair, but the movie did itself no favors by focusing so heavily on CGI instead of practical effects and casting distractingly famous actors that undercut any interest in the plot. I feel that to make a sci-fi opus today you

Just thank god we get more. I trust anything Hawley does now. What a juggling act!

I love the attention to detail in humanizing Clark. Although there was some humor in pivoting from that to leaving poor faceless Alpha team either dying or otherwise pressed together in an invisible psychic torment.

Why, just ask this scientician!

America's cool attic with the strange smells and stacked jars of maple syrup. Long may she be free.

"Death is failure." Props to the writers for detailing the level of fanaticism for the Daughters of Aku. Ashi's turn toward indignant sputtering propaganda at the end really encapsulated why the fight ultimately went the way it did- Jack just has more to fight for.

Oh man, you mean we missed out on Brad Pitt bashing Ryan Reynolds’ head in with a baseball bat over and over?! Or having Cable actually be 'actor Brad Pitt?' That would have been kind of cool (if distracting)

The original's assertion that 1999 was the pinnacle of the human race is looking more and more prescient, I'll say that much.