
It's true, I am incredible interesting.

It really feels like the rise of Trump has given a fresh breath of life to the social legitimacy of these kinds of retrograde notions of masculinity.

C+? This looks awful- half color whirl Josh Trank, half baffling, ruinous decisions like, apparently, having one of the Rangers use revenge porn and another randomly kill a homeless man.

Hostile space octopuses need the most love.

Every episode of this show feels like its own season. In fact a whole season stuck in David's mind (probably like what they have planned for Archer this year) sounds downright enticing. The blackboard bit was cool, but the musical cues, as ever, were on point. Especially the use of silence. The one thing I'd like to

Yeah, Sony doesn't want to get any of Marvel Studio's success stink on them.

Remember when people thought that making everyone use their real names via something like Facebook accounts was going to solve the 'anonymous asshole' problem? Good times, good times.

Jokes on them, both Looney and Judy Hopps are rip offs of highly graphic Lola Bunny Space Jam fanfiction that I posted online two decades ago. I'll be seeing them in court.

The final scene will be the Cubs victory parade as a fell wind whips through the city and a yawning vortex tears through the sky. *Roll credits over the sounds of screaming heard as if from a great distance*

I think at this point, Fox has more power to influence events than even they want, or know what to do with.


Michael Catalano, release the robotic Richard Simmons!

This is really starting to seem like the end of the era of acquired knowledge

I look forward to the inevitable shared cinematic universe of Disney live-action remakes of animated classics that culminate in an Avengers-style team up where they fight that Satanic mountain from Fantasia.

It's already amazing enough that the comedy can coexist with the serious plot points, but the level of trust that the show has for its audience to have such a long wordless stretch served to emphasize the beauty of the animation. The temple fight was legitimately thrilling and surprising- it felt like a dark Zelda

About the only positive thing this photo shoot tells me is that he doesn't burn when he comes into immediate contact with daylight. And it's pretty cloudy. So I'm keeping my garlic shampoo around anyway.

We all like to think that we'd be the ones to run away from the proverbial Independence Day blast but I think most of us are the people staring slack-jawed at the world not working the way we expected.

What a psychopathic nest of snakes that office must be. I can only imagine what goes on in Breitbart HQ.

I just want to see Mads and Christoph Waltz co-staring together in something. Make it happen, Hollywood!

Earl green, hot.