
No, I was thinking of the end credits of my favorite movie, Dr. Strangelove. It's wonderful in a way that we don't know if they succeeded in building those mine shaft bunkers, and she's singing about how the Americans and the Russians will see each other in a thousand years, or whether it's all gone now and the song

We'll meet again,
Don't know where,
Don't know when
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day
Keep smiling through,
Just like you always do
Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away

Our long national nightmare is finally over!

The notion of the 'stars calling to David' in the clear upstate air to represent when he was first infested and the end credits song tonight that talked about how humanity has had their day imply an extraterrestrial origin for the Shadow King and I think that could be super fun.

I dunno, I thought T2 had a lot to recommend in it. We always saw Arnold as the hero type in the first one anyway.

I dunno, I really liked this one. Having more and more people lose their 'souls,' first Alice, and now Julia, is really escalating the stakes of the personal relationships. Also having another type of all powerful being is cool. And Julia gets to be happy and relieved which she deserves (and which gives Stella a

Tale as old as Baby Boomer nostalgia.

Oh God the fact that it was in retaliation for speaking up about women's rights just makes this all the more horrible. At this point I'm in favor of burning down the internet and starting over.

At some point if we want effective sex robots we're going to have to find a way to incentivize voluntary collection of sex-related metadata. The key word being 'voluntary' of course.

I'd love to see a reverse Get Out, where folks are trying to bodysnatch the brains of Republican Senators to effect policy change.

Trump's America.

New Barnie!

"It stinks! It stinks!"

I wouldn't say it's religious as much as it is a character study. Logan himself has no pretensions of his actions having consequences on some sort of larger level, telling Laura that they'll 'just keep coming' and not even bothering to fill in or argue with Xavier on how Laura picked out the coordinates for Eden from

Between last week's "Rocknaldo" using Ronaldo as a conduit for overzealous misdirected fans and tonight's meditation on how to end things, it's really starting to seem like SU may be ending soon. To which I say *fingers in ears* LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU.

At this point, resistance to the Mel Gibsons and Casey Afflecks of the world is the best we can hope for, because in the short term at least, they're going to keep winning. I hope I live to see that change someday.

Smithers, have Lindsay Lohan killed.

The sad part is that I think the prank still would have worked if the flags said 'Putin'

We need some sort of Boston Tea Party where we protest the actually dangerous drugs and dump opiates

I stand by some of early Family Guy as being pretty good, and it gave us American Dad, which is genuinely good.