
America turned into the Scottish Play so gradually I didn't even notice…

I am addicted to Mexican Coke. It's… it's not as exciting as it sounds.

A beautifully voiced filler episode, but part of the show's brilliance is that this episode is making text, for Steven, a bunch of what we already knew as subtext. And usually that means character growth and permanent change is in the near future.

I just know him from his guest appearance on South Park in 2014 where they dubbed him 'the future.' I guess they were sort of right.

The DC movies may well be profitable (at the ultimate expense of their IP and superhero movies in general). They just have to be seen to be 'trying' to improve or to be 'aware' of their problems in order to tread water. So I'm not sure that this kind of news item is bad for the studios. It'd take a real box office

It's funny, if not very self-aware, to see the gems we'd like to spend more time with impersonating the gems we already spend a lot of time with. Still, the Connie/gem interactions are welcome. I'd be more scared of that sword if I were them.

I want the show to go on forever and I simultaneously acknowledge that we wouldn't be getting this late series high without the creators being given the freedom to wrap things up or at least advance the plot.

New recruits for the rebellion! Wow, that's, uh… a lot of bubbled Quartzes. And overt desire from Yellow to kill every last reminder of Pink… Add up all those Quartzes and heal the corruption on Earth, and you've got yourself an army worthy of liberating Homeworld.

Gaslighting today, gaslighting tomorrow, gaslighting forever.

Why, of course. Certainly there is nothing about this new administration that could possibly lend itself to satire.

Upgrades! I love to see skill progression. It's about time all the folks in the magical world started treating each other as 'associates' in the current crisis (although I do fear that the show's far too quick to kill off its hierarchy). Keep some around for callbacks/future adversaries or allies! The Marvel comic

Oh man, that gene pool.

I would like to see Mel Gibson star in 'Dragged Across Concrete,' but probably with a different movie synopsis than this director has in mind.

This is karmic payback for hiring Rick Santorum. They are not going to let you in the cool kids club, CNN. Hopefully this is a wake up call and not an excuse to bring in Sean Spicer after he's dumped for Kellyanne Conway when Trump fires him-mid White House briefing next month.

So many future vision questions! I guess impulsiveness for Sapphire is picking the least bad option when she can only see so far ahead. That death star eye outside the station! (Chekhov's death star eye?) I was questioning whether we'd see discrimination against Earth gems. No wonder Jasper was so desperate to prove

Who let Steven fly that thing! Why wouldn't you bring Lapis or Peridot- the only members who have actually been around modern gem tech/society? And come on, what are the odds that they smack into the Rubies in the depths of space? (Well that last bit I can rationalize as the Rubies jumping from space debris at the

They're uh, airing this and Adventures in Light Distortion back to back today? Are you guys just skipping over that episode? Should I… uh… post a comment about it here?

What a revelatory experience! Everything 'Stakes' had the potential to be. It's a shame that there are no individual reviews of 'Islands,' but I am thankful that we have a space to talk at all.

There have been some seriously gorgeous backgrounds this season. One question left unanswered is if PB knows about Pep-But's dark magic extra circulars (and maybe what she'd do if she found out). I'd love to see how he acquired them- in his first canonical appearance in The Vault he's just a brain-dead servant guy.

I appreciate how there's not too too much serialization and that we're getting a bunch of randomly focused episodes this week. I wonder though, just as I think Sava is reading too much into the Trump comparison in the review, if Jake and Finn and all are reading too much into 'James Baxter.' Can he understand human