
I just want to note that it took FOUR YEARS for the Bush W. administration to get to the level of hubris that comes oh so naturally to these people:

A great start to the new season! The Happy Disney Crown Coronation Fun Time scene was overlong but I'd watch an entire show of the Beast and Jules playing Law and Order: SVU: Magic Cop. Charles Mesure is fantastic. If the Beast's soul has been severed I wonder if defeating him involves forcibly reconnecting it to his

What the actual what? That had none of the whimsy of Moynihan, but all of the confusion. Was the mantis creature supposed to be one of Tree Trunk's six children, or was she counting Sweet P? Why hadn't she mentioned this before? What's the 'grey's abducting farm animals' metaphor? How could the kids be consensual if

Dance around the question?! Clearly it's a live action musical adaption of Hamill's cameo on the Simpsons

I appreciated both the low stakes, Jake NOT ruining his grandkid's cred, and Marcy and PB out on a quiet night together. The age stuff for Jake's kids has never really made any sense but that's ok. Lotta great background details, lotta terse, well written dialogue. Love this show.

I just want a film about Pinocchio being held in an underground factory and forced to tell lie after lie to generate an infinite amount of wood pulp until all the sentient wood from the mass production around the world rises up against humanity in a blood-soaked orgy of violence is that too much to ask.

Please don't blow it up so fast this time.
We'll see.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

This implies that Trump can be defeated if we take away his drug supply.

The horror movie hasn't even started yet. At this point we're just the idiots who have made the decision to check out the spooky noises in the basement.

These violent delights have violent ends. And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which, as they kiss, consume

So is this like the origin story of how communities like the Romanians or the 'we lit' kids develop their 'other community raiding' skills?

The normalization of this man by setting him up as the 'reasonable pillar of right-wing discourse' by Colbert and Jon Stewart over the years makes me sick. He's always been a bastard.

Give us Mara Jade, Grand Admiral Thrawn (even if just in flashbacks), or a Finn/Poe romance and I'll forgive any plausible sins you could commit, movie.

Meghan McCain tweeted "This Meryl Streep speech is why Trump won. And if people in Hollywood don't start recognizing why and how - you will help him get re-elected" and I can't help but think that that's exactly backwards. Conservatives fought like hell at every opportunity, no matter how nasty, for years and years

I would be happier about Fox hosts tacitly acknowledging the toxicity of their network and its practices if real life hadn't decided to double down on their business model.

It is a measure of how far the country's Overton window has shifted to the right over the last few years that Megyn Kelly has now been sorted into its liberal sector.

We joke, but somewhere in LA, right now, someone is formulating a series of pitches for how to put together a 'Rogue Two' script.

I was elected to lead not to read.

too sexy to be Honorary Ambassador for the Empowerment of Women and Girls for the United Nations.
Too sexy to be Honorary Ambassador for the Empowerment of Women and Girls for the United Nations.