
I realize Dan picks the letters to deliver messages that need hearing- that it's potentially healthy to carve out areas for letting off steam in otherwise monogamous relationships, that pot can liven up a stale sex life- but there are real people behind these letters and I worry that the message of the week that he

A violation is still a violation. And that was what he was aiming for- he admits that he didn't tell her about the butter precisely so he could capture her natural reaction to the violation. That was the whole point. It's horrific.

No Maeve, don't go back!!!

Dog. Sled. Dog. Sled. Dog! Sled!

The tragedy of Sarah Palin is that as governor her signature initiative, since rolled back, was a massive re-distributive oil tax, after the enactment of which she had a 90% approval rating. I imagine that fateful Weekly Standard Alaskan cruise ship that sauntered into port in 2007 (and was responsible for her dark

I think we're all sort of resigned to an authoritarian tyrant being in power for the next several years.

The most bizarre thing to me about Westworld is that it's a western. Our future robot sex park(s) will be licensed IP.

I got disinvited from Christmas by my (liberal) family for walking out post-Thanksgiving dinner when my alt-right Jewish uncle started screaming at me that I wasn't human because I believed in global warming (believe me I tried as hard as I could to drop the subject!)

If you go looking for the truth- get the whole thing. It's like a good fuck- half is worse than none at all.

You guys are into Rosemary, right?
The lady who had the baby?!

Time to write my own fucking story.

I'm not saying that it's going to redeem the show if that watch ends up being the one that Christopher Walken hid up his ass from Pulp Fiction, but it'll be a start.

Where we're going we don't need eyes.

Geez I did my warning dance and everything.

I'm on a tractor!

What door?

Whether or not you blame South Park for the 'both are bad' election satire you can't deny that they had their finger on the pulse of the electorate and their general, poisonous indifference. The Force Awakens criticisms still seem way off target seeing as, if anything, it's condescension regarding people liking things

How has it not dawned on the public consciousness in this day and age that groping people or bragging about groping people is both not the same thing and worse than casual obscenities? I just don't understand.

The cows love dying there.