
Greg, you're a terrible millionaire. I'm glad they didn't go the obvious route and win but wreck Greg's beloved car. This show really makes me envious about how the kids can learn their lessons and make mistakes absent helicopter parents, although I guess Garnet's future vision has them covered.

Lars is gonna be psyched!
Buck is pleased.

Good old Onion

Bird mom!

I would have liked a hug.

It's not that far.

It's pronounced 'Team Rocket'

For an episode that was mostly scene setting until it turned into the Tell Tale Heart, west Texas style, there were some pretty good narrative choices- like how the annoying kid bits set up how Jesse says intentionally wounding things to drive Tulip away that we know he didn't mean. A perverse part of me still wants

She's got an ax!

Preacher, kill me!

Great job Jesse, you found a way to make Quincannon worse. I think? It's hard to tell with that man what's better. I definitely think he should not be as happy as he is. Maybe start with that.

Nooooooooooo!!! The whole reason I'm on the AVClub!

Yes! I am looking forward to them making it all the way up to the Frisky Dingo timeline. Hopefully we can look forward to closure on long running evil Krieger, Other Barry, and Archer's father arcs. Eh… maybe not that last one.

God damn that empty school bus is creepy. I really do like that I have no idea where the show is going with any of this but I also want the suspense to have more payoff. That said, when Tulip kissed Cassidy and Cassidy didn't bite… pretty great. Well, any scene Cassidy is in, really. Him trying to talk to Jesse and

Too bad they only marry people who have known each other for less than a week.

I like Justin Bieber- Shite!

I have long since lost most of the joy in my heart, and just about the only thing that does it for me anymore is psychic warriors in giant robot suits roasting glowing monster creatures for poorly conceived reasons. Just let me enjoy this.

I like the Big Lebowski.

Go to John Huston's house and start throwing coconuts.
Which I've always wanted to do.

That's my word…

Luigi won't let anybody ride in the cab. I mean, unless you're down for road head.