
Wow, the image of a depressed Cuber looking up the origin of the Graybles was unexpectedly harrowing. I kind of wish we didn't have the intro and coda, though, and would jump straight into the action, especially considering the perfect opening sequence.

Hey Lazuli! Hey, Lazuli! Hey! Lazuli! Hey!

Soak up their wisdom and sample their puddings!

I automatically give an 'A' to anything in which Tom Cruise spontaneously explodes. It's…. it's not come up that much. I have no idea what's going on or what a good quarter of the dialogue is, but I'm very excited to see where we're going!

In reverse order: no, I was mildly thirsty, and he wants to hire us.
To do what, kill another scientist?
And whose fault was that?
I don't remember!

Ice King acting totally normal about giant cosmic things happening around him (oh this, it's been here forever) will never get old. I'm guessing PB's magic is the weakest because she has the least belief in it. I wonder if the elementals take turns being stronger than each other in different incarnations. Of course

It's hard for me to imagine Lapis being alone and trapped for so long and not going completely insane, so I'm always slightly worried when she's interacting with Steven. Their relationship is a little weird (if highly endearing) almost as if Steven had befriended a massive dragon. I worry that if Lapis snaps she might

It's just like getting on a horse. Sorry I don't have any analogies.

Grob Gob Glob Grod's not dead! Is he maybe doing anti-penguin orbital defense force duty now? I love how Ooo is essentially time-out for interdimensional super beings.

Whelp, guess I'm going to need a bucket of ice and a roll of gaffer tape.

… I'm alive.

Something doesn't feel right about this.
Then use the D-pad.

I'm going to ride a roller coaster with you Boo Boo you disgusting beautiful garbage angel.

Suck it Bechdel test.

Aww, Did Bun Bun draw that?
… No.

Bugs Meany is wiping his ass on our towels!

Right. We are disgusting.

When what? What happens to chickens?

I- Look, don't worry about it.
I really feel like we should.

Shit, if I had known that all we needed to do to get FitzSimmons was to brutally murder every other character's relationship, I would have rooted for that ages ago.