
Hmmm...according to the article this was the biggest one since 1980.  Stop fear mongering and use your brain.  We can't tackle climate issues by being hysterical and blaming every disaster on climate change.

Maybe you should be more patient and less of a judgmental asshole. Oh, wait, then you couldn't work at whatever the fuck Gawker is called now 

No one made you play, dumbass.

You don't speak to your father because of his politics? You are a shitty person

Corporate unions need to die. They are corrupt and steal from workers.

Ray, you are just as insufferable now as you were in the Bay Area.  Jesus.

But if they say that, this crap piece would have to be much shorter

“glossy pop artists were just as often the leading insurrectionaries back in the day, and image-conscious rock bands were conversely extremely willing to take orders about their look, behavior, and even musical endeavors.”


Or people who live in a hot climate.  Note that he only drove it 78,000 miles.  I drove mine twice that - the first rebuild was at 90k.  You can't keep these cars healthy, no matter how hard you try

It"s just a shitty engine.

“My car is reliable as long as you handle it with kid gloves and don’t treat it like a car. Here are the extended instructions."

I bought one new, and put 160,000 miles on it, and 2 engine rebuilds. It was the best handling car I have ever driven, and it had an amazing manual transmission.

Ugh.  I hadn't read Magary in a while, and this stupid crap is why.  Deadspin is tired.

This is how unions work

Facts are racist.

Stop arguing. All things are about racism.  It's 2019.  

No one should ever say "safe space"

Kaepernick is richer and more famous for selling his hollow protest than he ever would have gotten playing football, and he gets to skip the CTE.  This is a man so committed to social justice that he never registered to vote and told black people not to vote before the 2016 election.  That worked out well.