Something tells be your widdle brain hurts when you work it too hard.
Something tells be your widdle brain hurts when you work it too hard.
Oh, no! I am mortally wounded!
Be blind if you like. It's cool.
I do not disagree; like you I find both repellent. But for the moment, left wing thought policing scares me more. I feel like right wing authoritarianism is more self-aware, where the left believes their own horseshit
One is a lot more hell-bent on re-engineering the world into a singular set of views.
One more than the other. It's ok if you don't want to think critically.
All totalitarianism arises welcomed by the people as the answer to perceived evil. It is dangerous to equate politics with morality, which at present is the view of the left. We are all in trouble any time one side sees itself as objectively correct and morally superior.
The most inflexible and dogmatic views that I see around me are those on the left. Just my personal experience. If you get robbed or assaulted for God’s sake don’t call a cop.
This is the future the left wants for this country to enforce idealogical compliance
This is some high level assholery. You need to chill
Did not realize it was a lifetime achievement award
She is the left wing Sarah Palin.
There was nothing credible about his story of MAGA-shouting things roaming Chicago in 10 degree weather from the start, except for people with a desperate need for validation of exactly the twisted view of the world that blogs like this profit from. This is a story about why we should wait for evidence.
You seem to avoid discussing your assessment of their credibility.
Most of the Marvel and comic book movies do not hold up well.
Blindly believe everything! So stupid...
Why is it hard to believe?
Liberals demand blind adherence to their dogma. Watch
Every time I think there are limits to human stupidity, Twitter proves me wrong
Narcissism. You should be familiar with it.