
He is selling out all of these shows, and all of the hysteria is helping him do it.  He will keep getting booked as long as tickets sell, as it should be.

Why can’t people see what they want to see? Why do you get to decide what people get to consume?  If you don’t want to see Louis C.K., don’t go.  But why shouldn’t other people get to see it if they think it is funny?

The reboot was terrible. Paul Feig should be ashamed that be made such a great cast so unbearable to watch. It deserved to fail.

It is just a Z4 with an awkward body kit.

He is a gimmick who stinks at actual basketball. His goal should be the Globetrotters

I love both motorcycles and scooters. They are different things that provide different smiles. Silly biker, no one told you a scooter is not a motorcycle. No wonder you were disappointed.

Except it isn't a Supra. It is BMW Z4 with a body kit 

You should quit drinking. Seriously.

NFL players are a fungible commodity. The Steelers got good production at RB without Bell, and played this right from a business perspective. The only position worth bending for is QB.

More importantly, I’m hoping to like what I feel when I eventually drive the newest version of one of the most legendary tuner cars ever built”

And it took you almost a month to think of this. The fact that you walked around thinking about an internet conversation with a stranger for almost a month is sadder than anything I could say. I am sorry that you have your life.

Allowing zone defense was the worst idea ever.

You don't like Steph because he's a bitch.

Their fans are dicks. Pats fans of the NBA.

You could have just said "What a dick." And it would have been better than this self-aggrandizement.

These rules exist because the public got upset about kids trying to go pro and failing.

I am a Raider fan. I have been a Raider fan since 1977. I have seen terrible things. I have seen Rusty Hilger, Marc Wilson, and Todd Marinovich. I actually placed hope in Andrew Walter and JaMarcus Russell. I saw Art Shell utterly defeated. I saw Hue Jackson throwing away first round picks like dollar bills at the

Yep...he's a dick 

Unions have been so effective. 

The league banned defense.