

I wonder what their side of this story is...

Part of acceptance is that trans people can be creeps too

Prettier than you think when you dress her right, and still tough as nails.

According to this site, if she could just advertise on Tumblr, it all would have been fine because of the inherent dignity and empowerment of sex work.


My feelings are hurt that Stef did not share my comments about Puffalumps coming to life at night and killing us all. I feel that my views on this subject are sufficiently disturbing to merit mention on post such as this. ;)

This is painfully bad 

She is a shitty novelty act

You fail to acknowledge anywhere how unhealthy it is to be heavy. I know. I have been overweight for a long time. 7 months ago, I had a heart attack a few days shy of my 47th birthday. Since then, I have been on a long slow journey to better health. I have lost 60 pounds toward a goal of 100 and I have never felt this

I love that movie

One was selfish, one was gutless, and one only plays half the floor. This is why the experiment failed.

Weren't the Sonic's one of the teams in that Will Ferrell movie?

While I get your point, this video doesn't really work.

Report and rapport are not the same thing. The utter lack of effort in these blogs is astounding.

No low ballers or tire kickers.

Have you forgotten the 70s? A LUV truck was absolutely of the time.

It's like everyone has forgotten how much inappropriate attention he called to himself using this relationship (as did Ariana Grande). Now he is playing "I'll kill myself if you don't love me" while she exploits the death of an ex for attention. There are no winners here.

Yep. You are as dumb as you sound.

The fact that you want to base social and economic systems on a vision of humanity drawn from fairy tales says plenty about you.