
Unions are corporations. But don't worry. LLCs are fine.

And money. Don't forget money. You can generally count on workers getting screwed all the way around.

You act like one can't exist without the other. You just don't realize they are all the same.

LIUNA and HERE as well 

This is how unions work. They have always been corrupt. 

Maybe they should spend more time getting Kaepernick to vote. And stop telling others not to vote. 

It has become hip I guess to hate the USA and our entire history. Good thing we aren't Germans or you might REALLY hate us. 

Union quality!

I am calling you on your bullshit

All the urinals should have his face in them

Don’t even try. You’re screwed no matter what you say

It appears very important to you to dehumanize those with whom you disagree politically. In your world, gay people, black people, and others are not permitted the agency to hold political beliefs that differ from yours. I think it is very interesting that “advocates” for minority rights are so quick to silence

Why have a salary cap? The teams with the most money win anyway. It's stupid.

Actually, no. It sounds like horseshit.

Ruth would have caught that shit in his mouth.

You have embraced so many well intentioned but misguided assumptions. I have no idea what you are trying to say because I don't think you and I are thinking on the same terms. That being said, my views are likely skewed by the experience of a very unusual career. I have come to realize that my experiences in this

You'll note that I never said we were a paragon of justice. But we receive a disproportionate bashing while most of the world does far worse. I find the defense of Japan, one of the most racist countries on Earth, particularly amusing. It is easy to appear equitable when you force a homogeneous societym

So your point is that you have no point?

You are insane. She would not even be prosecuted here, much less convicted twice.

And just because we have flaws doesn't mean we should be the constant punching bag, either.