
Yes. Use impeachment as a political tool to try to undo the results of our Constitutional process so you can get your way. That is healthy for the country.

Do you even understand that democracy means sometimes you don't get your way? You had a guy you liked for 8 years, now you have a guy you don't like. Grow up and get over yourself.

If there is one thing about Joss Whedon, he knows pandering

You just desctibed the GMG commentatiat.

This is happening because “progressives” behave like religious fundamentalists. They assert their beliefs as moral imperatives, and follow an unthinking, dogmatic set of views. Anyone who questions or challenges is labeled a racist, Nazi. Trump-lover. This meme is juvenile, but hardly a surprising reaction to the

Melodrama is a helluva drug

I am so far past giving a shit about what happens to any of these characters. I am ready for superhero movies to die out. It's tired.


The stupidity of investigating a person's binge drinking in college seems beyond the comprehension of this blog.

He has been bitter for 4 years over a job he didn’t get. He sounds exactly as described in Buffalo.

Ah, yes. Another millionaire socialist.

“He also told investigators he set the per-share price at $420 to impress his then-girlfriend, the musician Grimes, who’s credited with getting him into marijuana.”

The white stuff isn't snow, it's bird shit.

Spoken like a true progressive. Anyone who dissents is a racist. You have done well in your training.

Hating "progressives" is popular because they are so hateable.

Words cannot describe how much I hate this.

Kaepernick is a phony activist who should be forgotten as soon as possible. Don’t vote in 2016, he told black people, it isn’t important.  Shitbag.

Cosby deserves what he gets, but I am saddened that this reinforces the idea that trauma is permanent. I had my own experience as a child, and I refuse to let it be more than a meaningless blip in my history. The message should be that he means nothing and is nothing, and everything in his victims’ lives other than

With all due respect, the entire reason for the collapse of private sector unions is their failure to adapt to a changing economy, leading to an inability to organize. This is due to some critical structural defects in the so-called “labor movement.”

When you absorb millions of desperately poor people without limitations, you strain public resources to their limit. Look at California, where the wealthiest state also has the worst poverty, and despite vast tax revenues and public expenditures continues to see the issue get worse.