
The hyperbole shows that you have been sold on the very common idea that most people are mentally ill. Deflect all you want. 

You know who else was great for a long time? Mike Webster.

You know who else was a class act and an amazing teammate and a physical beast? Junior Seau.

Man, I admired Dave Duerson back in the day.

I can’t watch the NFL anymore because I love guys like this but we all know the end of this CTE story. I can't enjoy the thought of an NFL ironman anymore. I don't have the stomach for it. I hope you beat the odds, Frank.

They also shit.  A lot. A real lot.  Like a whole bunch.  Did I mention all the shit?

With all of these words, attaching taboo gives them power and is a mistake. Cunt means nothing in England, but is considered vile misogyny here. We should encourage the use of these words to take away their power to do harm. 

Yes, we can. Our government officials will tax the fuck out of you with laser focus while sitting on horrible schools, crumbling infrastructure, and the worst poverty in the nation. FEED CALPERS

I love me some John Carpenter, but this is going to SUUUUUCCCKKKK

It’s ok. You can win this meaningless online interaction. You obviously need it, and it is very important to you. I will lose this interaction, and return to my happy and satisfying life, successful career, and loving family. Enjoy the win, big fella.

You aren't paying attention and are not very smart.

Cyber bullying is bullshit. Turn off the computer. Bullying gone. The problem is teaching kids that people say on line matters, and having them believe that hurt feelings are irreparable. Hurt feelings are not a big deal. People are going to be mean. Get over it.

Words and weapons are obviously not at all the same.

You missed the point stupid. While verbal abuse may be a cause for serious trauma in a close personal setting (like a parent), stupid shit strangers say does no harm at all.

If you can’t see the stupidity of believing that words on the Internet cause permanent harm, then god help you.

No just responsible for the over-medication of America.

Someone would have to care first.

“a father-daughter story” about “the efforts of an emotionally-stunted man to reach out and connect with his ‘woke’ teenager daughter.”

Save your tears for the daughter he did not love enough to live for.