
Still, you don't get any syncing unless you pay.

Blame the URL system for not being able to comprehend dots.

Forum URL tweak doesn't work in TVTropes or Gamefaqs, you just get the page in the URL with 0 posts on the page. BLEH!

Would you judge all books by their cover? Would you expect the monster in Amnesia to look like a duck?

If you're talking about Lugaru on iOS, it was a blatant copy- iCoder just recompiled the original game's source code (the game is open-source now, but you can't sell it) for the iOS.

However, no matter how you put it, at the end of the day, a mouse will soundly beat out a trackpad, Apple or not. You have an ergonomic grip, it's easy to move the pointer with a simple wrist motion, and you don't need to move your fingers to click. I have used Apple trackpads, and they are great for UI operations,

It can work well if used correctly. The game just needs to provide good feedback on your input. It's also a nice way to add more input without increasing the size.

However, no matter how you put it, at the end of the day, a mouse will soundly beat out a trackpad, Apple or not. You have an ergonomic grip, it's easy to move the pointer with a simple wrist motion, and you don't need to move your fingers to click. I have used Apple trackpads, and they are great for UI operations,

If you're using Windows, slam the middle button at the top of the window (not on a link), and take the pointer to the bottom of the window.

These are the times for when you should keep a USB mouse for backup- you can get a basic one for very cheap, and it can easily beat out a touchpad.

Vita has Physical buttons too (and dual joysticks- FRICKIN' FINALLY!). I'm sure the touchpad will be mostly used for UI manipulation, not gameplay-critical stuff.

What about the Sync program? Windows Live Mesh vs Windows Live Sync?

D-Fend Reloaded is a nice frontend, though it doesn't have a "shelf" style.

Torrents are still pretty nice at reducing the load on a single server. Wish Steam used them, would be most handy during the big sales.

Not asleep, but bought up by the telcos. Many of the current CRTC people previously worked for the big telcos.

They also throttles Bittorrent. And online games. And slaps a measly 15g/Mo with $4/G overage fee.

Of course, you could say the same of Aero.

"It's not shy about innovating."

How are you liking Ubuntu 10.10? For one thing, I know I don't like it. Unity is a mess.

Yeah, it conflicts with Timelines's trademark (Timelines had been out for quite some time). I hope FB is made to change Timeline's name, especially after they forced BetterFacebook dev to change the extension's name.