
2012 represent, Winamp is still awesome.

Probably not, Skydrive doesn't seem to have audio streaming.

Top 100 PCs you can DIY for cheap: ALL PREBUILTS.

Handbrake doesn't include decryption methods in Windows, last time I checked. The bigger question is how would they deal with tools like DVD43 (whose site is located in Malaysia), or VLC (which bypasses copyright warnings and ads). I really hope they don't pull a Megaupload on DVD43 now.

For me, the difference *is* noticeable- 30second boot compared 1:30 with HDD, for starters. Plus, apps are much more snappy now. For example, eXceed 3rd feels choppy on HDD, but flies on SSD. And then there's Minecraft, which benefits *massively* from an SSD- no more lags from chunk loading, and Worlds load almost

Very few games should require DVDs, get digital versions if possible.

Welp, bill C-11 is gonna make step two illegal here in Canada. Guess I'll just pirate the file then.

No, the link just broke.

As someone else said, she looks like Morrigan (DA2? Sacred Ashes? Not sure).

Considering that the numbered versions of FF games tend to be different from each other (vastly at times), I definitely won't mind.

Which in turn would be outdated the moment Nvidia and ATi bring in their next Model refresh.

And partly in FFVI (only Magitek armor IIRC).

They do have good games- like TWEWY, Type-0 and Dissidia; or FFIV Complete and Chrono Trigger DS. It's just that they're on Handhelds.

Nice catch! I was kinda missing the target here, knew she looked like from DA.

Type-0 is getting localized. No release date, though.

I wonder, can't you just copy the HDD from a PC (I know it works for PC), and then just increase the partition to fill the whole disc? Sure would take time, but would surely beat having to redownload everything.

Not only that, you're also stuck with crappy limits that make it next to impossible to use the internet plan in any meaningful way. Plus, you also get throttled in P2P.

Just get a 500GB 2.5" HDD- it's not hard to switch out the HDD. For <$100, you would more than triple the storage.

If you think PS+ prices are great, you haven't seen anything of Steam sales. There's a reason they're called crazy- you can get as much as 90% off during special sales.

Installed it on Chromium...