
The new lighting system + no chunk updates. The new biome system. New mobs. Hackable world height.

For the umpteenth time, I'm gonna suggest Mo'Creatures.

Off-topic, but I think you uploaded the thumbnail picture.

Another tip I found for catching the bus:

Bell's (Canada) Galaxy II ad in newspaper: Speeds of upto 21mbps (expected 3.5-8 Mbps). At least they are being honest about it.

$50 online?

You should be looking at the PC, people have been saying "PC gaming is dead" for more than a decade.

Or maybe, Elder Scrolls games tend to be of a pretty high quality?

Final Fantasy Type-0 would like a word with you.

From what I've heard, Vita can play PSP games on the PSN, so they only need to put it on PSN.

Got mine already.

Or if you spend the bulk of your time in Minecraft.

So is Dragon Age II.

Ok, now that is too much. I don't care if is great, it's getting marked as spam. #spam

I would like one invite. [done]

Recycled maps, stuck in 1 city with just 5 areas= better? Yeah, the combat is a bit better, but everything else is a pile of [REDACTED].

At this point, these articles seem like they're mocking the ones that don't have Google+ yet. Still waiting for mine.

Most image viewers should ignore the file extension, and view the image. As long as it's an image file, that is.