
Funny, I like Twitter more than Facebook, because it focuses on one thing, and does it well. Facebook tries to do everything, and only excels in privacy concerns.

Call of Duty went downhill after 4.

It should at least be better than a super-short development time.

But then you'll be asked to provide the password.

@Inphoarius: Even 2 minutew is too much- the site layout is pain on the eyes.

@AwesomeToe: There's a very simple logic that blasts out the "Flat Earth" myth- why did Columbus go the opposite way if he wanted to go to India?

Wouldn't using Chrome Portable be a better choice? It runs without admin privileges, you get all the benefits of Chrome, and you don't need to mess with the PC.

VOTE: uTorrent (Windows)/Transmission (Linux).

I'm sure it's an about:flags option that you can toggle. To be precise, I think it's called "Preload Instant Search".

Easy. PC>>both.

Well here's a tidbit: the main character was originally a very minor character in an eroge. You can check up on it in TvTropes.

@darkly: VM=Virtual Machine.

Not really, you can retain 90% of the quality while decreasing the size by 70% by converting.

The only thing I can think of doing with 18GB RAM is some hardcore VM'ing.

Check out Final Fantasy Type-0. It's for the PSP, and it has an World Map and an Airship like classic FFs. It's not out yet though, it's slated for a Summer 2011 release in Japan.

@tomcat1483: Well, the Sontarans (The Sontaran Stratagem) weren't- they just relied on expanding the bullets to disable the guns, as soon as UNIT got past that, the Sontarans were taken down very quickly.

But Type-0 is (Summer this year in Japan), and I find it surprising that it's not on the list.

@cisengineer: Wait, you're talking about VLC player, not VNC, right?

@Nameloi: Just get it for the PC. It's a huge bummer that a device with amazing potential is only used to dish out more Wii-style games.

@HowardC: Kinect is dead in the water... if you ignore all the amazing hacks out for the PC.