Hmmm. That headline..... I mean it's not incorrect, in the sense that those two things happened in that order..... But it's a little misleading.
Hmmm. That headline..... I mean it's not incorrect, in the sense that those two things happened in that order..... But it's a little misleading.
As prudish as we can sometimes be about who goes on TV, I doubt the boobery was the reason she was fired. Other items on that list are significantly more damaging to her station's "journalistic integrity".
I would suspect her boss would have more issues with #s 3, 6, 8, possibly 9 and definitely 10. I can't imagine they could care less about #1 given the rest of the list.
Good Title, this totally couldn't have been about the mail or willful disobedience as an employee. Great reporting.
There's a difference between high-pitched and babyishly affected. The affected sexy baby sound is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me, and I'm always surprised and saddened when my guy friends find it sexy - partly because I have to listen to their girlfriends sound like kindergartners.
So relevant it hurts.
Nothing about anything in this article, or Miley's recent antics, is indicative of mental health issues. Your armchair diagnosis has failed.
Honestly, all this makes me feel sorry for her. I am not at all condoning fetishizing groups/people/counter-cultures but to me all this just screams that she's trying to find an identity for herself because she feels like she doesn't have one. Like maybe she feels there's no real substance to herself. And that's sad…
I don't really know if she's a big supporter of the LBGTQ community, or if she hangs out with lots of queers, but there are a LOT of gay men and lesbians who have no idea that you shouldn't say tr*nny, or think of this as political correctness gone amuck (meanwhile, try calling them one of the a f*g or d*ke...).
I feel like white people get more pissed about this type of thing than actually minorities do.
I know the history of the Romani people. I've read up on them. People have had themed birthday parties forever. I don't get why they are considered so offensive now. We are way to PC. I get not wanting to glorify negative things, but dressing up and having a themed cake isn't offensive. She didn't say anything bad…
Second Row from the top, right side. I'm not sure that one counts... that one is a parody of the whole issue.
I think there are more important things to get upset over than a 21 year-old celebrity throwing a party with a very unclear, muddled, cultural mumbo jumbo theme. Honestly.
She is super cute, but I worry about her. My younger brother is/was one of those Doogie Howswer-smart kids (took college classes in 7th grade), and he's still smart, of course, and he's an amazing special ed teacher in the Bronx. But he's eaten up with guilt over the fact that everyone always told him he was going to…
Johnny Depp is semi-close to quitting acting after the failure of The Lone Ranger.
Here's an idea, Johnny Depp: Instead of "quitting acting," why don't you try playing a different character than the one you've been playing over and over for the last decade?
Jezebel!!!!! OMG!!!!! Thank you SO MUCH for featuring my project!!! I cannot believe my fifth grade face is being featured on one of my favorite sites! Thanks for getting my message across correctly! I'm so happy I can't stand it! :)
If I held up a picture of myself from ten years ago it would be a cautionary tale showing kids that in their future they too could be 70 pounds heavier with 70% less hair. It would be the "You Really Let Yourself Go" Project.
Slap bracelets are back. I teach middle school and confiscated about 10 last year.