I found this gif of Charles Saatchi that was apparently taken while he was dictating his press release.
I found this gif of Charles Saatchi that was apparently taken while he was dictating his press release.
I can't stop watching Adam Scott in this gif, and his disappearing neck!
Take it away, Jean-Ralphio!
Personally, I believe him because Nigella strangled me once in this dream I had. And she chased me around her kitchen and threw chocolate sauce everywhere. Later, she spanked me with a wooden spoon.
"Plus, she hurt my fist every time she smashed her face into it!!"
Ice Town costs ice clown his town crown!
Thought it would spring to a few minds. Not ashamed (bit ashamed) to say I was doing the Jezebel/Starring equivalent to this:
Did Minnesota not learn its lesson from Ben Wyatt, boy mayor of Partridge?
I heard he hits the applesauce pretty hard though.
It's all fun and games until there's another Ice Town disaster.
I actually would like her to be President but I would like everyone else to shut the fuck up about it until it actually matters, and until (if ever) she states any desire to run in '16. It's damn rude to mention it all the time when she's specifically stated she does not plan to run, and she must hear it every day..
Jenna, whatever the reason, this is one the best Rag Trade roundups you've put out. I love that you featured some exceptional fashion photography, from Willie to the swimwear to kitten shoes to Carmen Dell'Orefice. Extra super points for Cosby sweater news and something so stupid Nick Gruber said that no one could…
That's what my brother says. They make the workplace look so appealing because they never want you to go home.
I'm sorry. They get $6,000 a month? Did I understand that correctly?
I'd hazard a guess that most native craftsmen have no interest in securing contracts with Disney. If your goal is cultural preservation and authenticity, any association with a major entertainment company would be a huge pain in the ass.
It would have to be a really angry peanut or crab, so people would know that the peanut/crab was the kid's nemesis.
Good call. Kids are at their most understanding in middle school.
Was anyone else surprised that Jay-Z was actually complimenting Cyrus with that statement?
This is way too idealistic of a comment. As much as I wish this is would happen I fear it's more likely that something like BARELY LEGAL BACKDOOR LESBIAN SLUTS 3456 will get funded.
Two clean cut, well groomed, handsome young men on bikes knock on your door.