@justvisiting: eh, i think it worked in halo 3.
@justvisiting: eh, i think it worked in halo 3.
@orionx3000: they had me at "ridley scott". "ridley scott does sci-fi"? even better.
@Althestane: more importantly, what happens to the second generation of aliens, which are bred from DNA already hybridized with the host species? and the third generation?
@ChipT: truth be told, it's always kind of annoyed me too.
@pelos_locos: if they're using giger's design for the space jockey, they should have giger on board for other designs. we should find out if he is, and if he isn't, start writing letters or something.
@Midnight_Tengen: which would be ironic, considering that one of the primary influences of metroid was alien.
@Arsnof: that's more like comic cross-over madness. the original alien and predator movies were entirely unrelated. shortly before predator 2 was release, dark horse (which owned the rights to both) release comics featuring both. predator 2 contains a nod to this, with the xenomorph skull among the predators' trophies.
@Darksider1972: i can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few 'shops in my time.
@Missing_link: that reminds me, i have watch "dr. horrible" at some point.
@Pyro3000: i'm not sure, but i believe that when they find modded consoles, they don't just GS reset, but they ban the console ID as well.
@IvanDashSmith: i keep a toothbrush with my xbox. seriously. those controllers get NASTY. you might think your hands are clean, but the combination of dust and palm-sweat makes for some disgusting funk. between my brother and me, i have to clean my controller every few days.
@fiffer86: 1500 achievements, not 15,000g.
@Xinkai: as i understand it, you can only get GS reset for GS cheating/game saving/modding. i don't think simply being in a lobby someone has modded is enough — i've stumbled into several such games. it was quite rampant on TF2 for a while.
missed the youtube button!
@Missing_link: geeky. autotuned. cute redheaded girl.
@Brodka: regrettably: actually, before the gamerscore has been scrubbed, it's relatively easy to pick out the cheaters.
@Stream Of Consciousness: i doubt it would have gone that far. it probably would have gotten tossed out of court, as "having gamerscore" isn't exactly a right. of course, they could argue emotional harm... that'd be a fun case.
every time i see an article proclaiming 3d gaming as the next big thing, and a brand new technology we're all going to adopt in the next year or so, i headdesk inside a little.
@BoxOfScraps: 2d images occasionally cause me eyestrain as well. a notable example is when a potential point of interest in the foreground is out of focus, or mis-focused. as a photographer myself, i try to avoid doing this.