
@Spaceknight: i think i agree. for film to work in 3d, it would have become more like sculpture and less like photography.

@taosaur: i've had extensive experience gaming in 3d. i spent about a month on a borrowed virtual-boy when i was kid, and then in high school, i briefly owned a set of stereoscopic shutter glasses and a supported video card, and had the pleasure (and discomfort) of playing such games as half life and quake 2 in "3d".

@cbstryker: "3d" never looks completely 3d to me, at least films. it looks like flat cut-outs with various depths. reality does not. i suspect it might have something to do with eye-dominance, and the fact that depth perception in stereoscopic vision actually has very little to do with your other eye.

@vinylrake: ebert's against video games as a cinematic artform. f' him and his opinions.

@Pegritz: actual conversation upon my last theatre outing:

@zelfmoordkonijn: we hope. they did say they were going for more RPG influences than in ME2, but they also said that they weren't so hot on picking out some esoteric piece of gear from an incoherent list of goodies in your inventory — which is part of what i liked.

@Barman1942: what is with those ugly muscle-bound sinewy shoulders every recent alien spin-off has insisted on using on their xenomorphs?

@zelfmoordkonijn: i don't mind a little streamlining here and there. for instance, i really love the way fable 3 has revised the menu system — even if we are sacrificing some things like a more complex magic system for it.

@zelfmoordkonijn: i'm also not a fan of dumbed-down "let's forget the RPG stuff" mentality that went into mass effect 2. if i wanted to play gears of war, i would have bought gears of war. complexity isn't always a bad thing. also, ammo. wtf.

@MaNiFeX: yes, this is all kinds of dumb. the mass of the platter has an inertial effect (hint: more = better), and you do need something to support the surface under the needle. this would have all kinds of difficulty tracking, and probably scratch your records in the process.

@Ryan Smith: indeed — you can actually damage your front element MORE because you'll have a bunch of glass shards in the coating.

@bobkoure: i guess the trick is keeping it.

it's an informational issue.

@gerrrg: 44%, on the spot.

@bobkoure: i made the "no more resolutions" resolution about 15 years ago.

@RichF: well, that wraps it up. looks like we'll have to go back to doing this manually.